We have to learn as much as we can about the benefits, risks, costs, and appropriate role of disclosing participant-level data, in service to the ultimate goal of honoring each trial volunteer's altruism.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Access to regulatory data from the European Medicines Agency: the times they are a-changing

by Beate Wieseler, Natalie McGauran, Michaela F Kerekes, Thomas Kaiser

a milestone for data transparency in clinical research is within reach- it is hoped this is not unnecessarily delayed.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Jimmy Whitworth calls for a more sustainable and palatable pathway be will to build consensus and to create a broad coalition.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Mark Walport and Paul Brest argues that we need to ensure that research outputs are used to maximise knowledge and potential health benefits

22nd February 2018 • comment

In this paper, Andrew Vickers argues that attitudes towards data sharing in the clinical trial community need to rethought, drastically

22nd February 2018 • comment

A systematic review of barriers to data sharing in public health

by Willem G van Panhuis, Proma Paul, Claudia Emerson, John Grefenstette, Richard Wilder, Abraham J Herbst, David Heymann, Donald S Burke

This study looks at the challneges of data sharing globally. 

22nd February 2018 • comment

Publishing the results of all clinical trials, whoever funds them, is required for ethical, scientific, economic, and societal reasons

22nd February 2018 • comment

Prepublication data sharing

by Toronto International Data Release Workshop Authors

Rapid release of prepublication data has served the field of genomics well. Attendees at a workshop in Toronto recommend extending the practice to other biological data sets.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Sharing health data: developing country perspectives

by Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Jirawan Boonperm, Pongpisut Jongudomsuk

Sharing data is not only about the technical dimension such as data management, repositories and libraries; developing countries are concerned about factors that impede data sharing, in particular, fairness

22nd February 2018 • comment

Comparing potential commercial interests with seven specifications of relevant public interest reveals the lack of proportionality inherent in the current practices of EMA and NICE.

22nd February 2018 • comment

John A. Spertus suggests that there needs to be some consideration about the practicalities of data sharing- in how it is shared, investment, and ensuring that data are appropriately analyzed 

22nd February 2018 • comment

This article argues that scientists need to feel greater urgency to share their findings quickly, and they need additional avenues to facilitate this process.

22nd February 2018 • comment

This paper summarises major developments in clinical trial transparency between January and June 2013 and analyses the composition of datasets released by GlaxoSmithKline.

22nd February 2018 • comment

This article looks at the benefits of data sharing, and argues for increasing the accessibility of data

22nd February 2018 • comment

This article details the procedures and requirements for researchers in sharing data from clinical trials. 

22nd February 2018 • comment

This article proposes some key characteristics needed in a clinical data warehouses for biomedical research

22nd February 2018 • comment

This article asks the question: how do we achieve fair trade in the sharing of clinical data?

22nd February 2018 • comment

The International Stroke Trial database

by Peter AG Sandercock, Maciej Niewada, Anna Członkowska, the International Stroke Trial Collaborative Group

We aimed to make individual patient data from the International Stroke Trial (IST),  available for public use, to facilitate the planning of future trials and to permit additional secondary analyses.

22nd February 2018 • comment

This article argues against selective publication and for a clear view of the totality of evidence relevant to many research questions and clinical decisions.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Policies that promote transparency in the clinical trial research process, through improved and expanded disclosure of investigator contributions and funding, comprehensive publicly available trial registration, and independent analysis of clinical trial data analysis may address these subversive practices by improving accountability among industry and investigators.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Clinical trial data as a public good

by Marc A. Rodwin, John D. Abramson

Lack of access to detailed information about clinical trials can undermine the integrity of medical knowledge.

22nd February 2018 • comment

This study looks at the sharing of data between researchers; it details concerns about speed of reply, and highlights an unfortunate situation where researchers are more concerned with losing an advantage than advancing science.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Sharing of clinical trial data among trialists: a cross sectional survey

by Vinay Rathi, Kristina Dzara, Cary P Gross, Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, Steven Joffe, Harlan M Krumholz, Kelly M Strait, Joseph S Ross

This article investigate clinical trialists’ opinions and experiences of sharing of clinical trial data with investigators who are not directly collaborating with the research team.

22nd February 2018 • comment

WHO organised an expert consultation on research in the Western Pacific

22nd February 2018 • comment

A mechanism for controlled access to GWAS data: experience of the GAIN Data Access Committee

by Ramos EM, Din-Lovinescu C, Bookman EB, McNeil LJ, Baker CC, Godynskiy G, Harris EL, Lehner T, McKeon C, Moss J, Starks VL, Sherry ST, Manolio TA, Rodriguez LL

This article looks at how access to GAIN information has furthered advances in he understanding of the genetic underpinnings of mental-health disorders, diabetes, and psoriasis.

22nd February 2018 • comment

EMA is discussing how to shape the new policy with academics, patient organizations, and drug companies; their final advice is due by the end of next month.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Towards a data sharing culture: recommendations for leadership from academic health centers

by Heather A Piwowar, Michael J Becich, Howard Bilofsky, Rebecca S Crowley

Heather A Piwowar proposes that AHCs can and should lead the transition towards a culture of biomedical data sharing.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Withholding access to research data - Authors' reply

by Elizabeth Pisani, James Whitworth, Basia Zaba, Carla AbouZahr

The Lancet suggests that transparency in science will increase public trust and reduce the deliberate manipulation of data to score political, financial, or ideological points.

22nd February 2018 • comment

Time for fair trade in research data

by Elizabeth Pisani, James Whitworth, Basia Zaba, Carla Abou-Zahr

  This argues for all the positives of data sharing

21st February 2018 • comment

In this round table paper, we suggest goals for data sharing and a work plan for reaching them, and challenge respondents to move beyond well intentioned but largely aspirational data sharing plans.

21st February 2018 • comment

This article argues that it is inappropriate to prescribe exactly when or how researchers should preserve and share data.

21st February 2018 • comment

Ethical data release in genome-wide association studies in developing countries

by Michael Parker, Susan J. Bull, Jantina de Vries, Tsiri Agbenyega, Ogobara K. Doumbo, Dominic P. Kwiatkowski

This article looks at the ethical problems involved in data sharing within the Genome-Wide Association Studies in Developing Countries

21st February 2018 • comment

GSK reccently trailed the sharing of deidentified patient-level data. This article describes the approach adopted and answers some of the most common questions received

21st February 2018 • comment

Preparing for responsible sharing of clinical trial data.

by Michelle M. Mello, Jeffrey K. Francer, Marc Wilenzick, Patricia Teden, Barbara E. Bierer, Mark Barnes

This article argues that expanded data sharing must be pursued thoughtfully.  

21st February 2018 • comment

This paper discusses important developments in data-sharing policy and highlights factors in health research that may affect policy implementation

21st February 2018 • comment

This article argues that WHO need to take leadership of the data sharing debate

21st February 2018 • comment

Is there a duty to share? Ethics of sharing research data in the context of public health emergencies

by Pinky Langat, Dmitri Pisartchik, Diego Silva, Carrie Bernard, Kolby Olsen, Maxwell Smith, Sachin Sahni, Ross Upshur

This article explores the foundation and nature of a duty, if any, that researchers have to share data, specifically in the context of public health emergencies. 

21st February 2018 • comment

A leading US pharmaceutical company, AbbVie, has taken legal action against Europe’s medicines regulator to try to prevent it from releasing data it holds on the safety and efficacy of one of its drugs.

21st February 2018 • comment

This article describes how to prepare data for sharing with other researchers in a way that minimises risk with respect to the privacy and confidentiality of research participants. 

21st February 2018 • comment

This article aims to address inadequate reporting in randomised controlled trials.

21st February 2018 • comment

After a global push, cancer clinical trial data is to be shared. 

21st February 2018 • comment

Sharing of research data

by Donald J Harris

Geoffrey Boulton lays out the case for sharing scientific data, and advises that the UK's Royal Society has established a working group to examine the implementation issues and to make recommendations.

21st February 2018 • comment

The BMJ Group and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry conference discusses the dangers and promises of trial data 

21st February 2018 • comment

Medical journals should insist on the release of all raw data and a written independent clinical audit.

21st February 2018 • comment

Peter C. Gøtzsche's speech on the moral obligation and societal benefits of providing free access to all anonymized raw patient data from clinical research

20th February 2018 • comment

Gøtzsche argues that the distinction between publicly-funded and industry-funded research is an artificial and irrelevant one, as the interests of the patients must override commercial interests

20th February 2018 • comment

Peter Gøtzsche argues why it is a moral imperative to render all results from all trials involving humans, also healthy volunteers, publicly available

20th February 2018 • comment

The BMj's new policy is a necessary first step towards the full sharing of all anonymised trial data

20th February 2018 • comment

This paper describes this policy as well as the limited access data sets currently available from NHLBI.

20th February 2018 • comment

Redefining genomic privacy: trust and empowerment

by Yaniv Erlich, James B. Williams, David Glazer, Kenneth Yocum, Nita Farahany, Maynard Olson, Arvind Narayanan, Lincoln D. Stein, Jan A. Witkowski, Robert C. Kain

This article suggests the use of trust-enabling techniques to create a solution in which researchers and participants both win with data sharing.

20th February 2018 • comment

Routes for breaching and protecting genetic privacy

by Yaniv Erlich, Arvind Narayanan

This article presents an overview of genetic privacy breaching strategies, and reviews potential mitigation methods for privacy-preserving dissemination of sensitive data and highlight different cases that are relevant to genetic applications.

20th February 2018 • comment

Access to patient-level trial data--a boon to drug developers

by Hans-Georg Eichler, Frank Pétavy, Francesco Pignatti, Guido Rasi

The EMA argues that access to full — though appropriately deidentified — data sets from clinical trials will benefit the research-based biopharmaceutical industry.

20th February 2018 • comment

Respectful re-use

by Nature Genetics

The impact of the papers we publish depends increasingly on the data they describe. In insisting on data access for referees and readers, we prioritize scientific integrity above all and place the interests of research participants before impact.

20th February 2018 • comment

As public pressure builds for drug companies to make more results available from clinical trials, the industry should not forget that it relies on collective goodwill to test new therapies.

20th February 2018 • comment

Towards an Ethics Safe Harbour for Global Breast Cancer Research. Current Oncology

by Edward S. Dove, Bartha M. Knoppers, Ma'n H. Zawati

This article proposes a ‘Safe Harbor Framework for International Ethics Equivalency’ that facilitates the harmonization of ethics review of specific types of data-driven international research projects while respecting globally transposable research ethics norms and principles

20th February 2018 • comment

Peter Doshi looks at the curtailment of EMA’s policy on access to documents, which is rgues is a major step backward for the transparency of clinical trials and for public health.

14th February 2018 • comment

Part III: Meeting the Challenge When Data Sharing Is Required

by de Wolf, V. A, Sieber, J. E, Steel, P. M, Zarate, A. O

The article describes several approaches that can be used in meeting the challenges posed by the sharing of confidential data.

14th February 2018 • comment

Part II: HIPAA and Disclosure Risk Issues

by Virginia A. de Wolf, Joan E. Sieber, Philip M. Steel, Alvan O. Zarate

This guide looks at whether deidentification is sufficient in data sharing. 

14th February 2018 • comment

Part I: What Is the Requirement for Data Sharing?

by Virginia A. de Wolf, Joan E. Sieber, Philip M. Steel, Alvan O. Zarate

This article looks at rules and regulations for data sharing. 

14th February 2018 • comment

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has developed a data-sharing protocol focused on balancing the interests of study participants, study investigators, and the research community with independent oversight by the NHLBI IRB.

13th February 2018 • comment

This article argues that ownership of research data is a complex issue and warrents cafeful examination. 

13th February 2018 • comment

A review of the barriers to sharing in biobanking

by Colledge F, Elger B, Howard HC

This article provides a description of the barriers to sharing in biobanking, discusses key themes, and concludes that empirical research is required to determine the full extent of the challenges addressed in the literature.

13th February 2018 • comment

Increasing value and reducing waste: addressing inaccessible research

by Chan, A.-W, Song, F, Vickers, A, Jefferson, T, Dickersin, K, Gotzsche, P. C, Krumholz, H, Ghersi,D, van der Worp, H. B

This article looks at the problems caused by inaccessible data to journal reporting, finance and funding; it then looks at possible solutions. 

13th February 2018 • comment

Pediatric data sharing in genomic research: attitudes and preferences of parents

by Burstein, M. D, Robinson, J. O, Hilsenbeck, S. G, McGuire, A. L, Lau, C. C.

The current study examines genomic research participants' attitudes to explore differences in data sharing preferences between parents of pediatric patients and adult patients.

13th February 2018 • comment

Withholding access to research data

by Brewer DD, Potterat, J. J, Muth, S. Q

Elizabeth Pisani and colleagues highlight obstacles to data sharing in public health. However, they omit a potentially crucial one: investigators manipulating evidence that might contradict their hypotheses or conclusions.

13th February 2018 • comment

Elliot Antman explore issues surrounding data sharing in scientific research

13th February 2018 • comment

Data sharing for pharmacokinetic studies

by Anderson, B. J, Merry, A. F

This article looks at the problems of data sharing in clinical trials, data ownership and development of databases to enable safe sharing processes. 

13th February 2018 • comment

Collaboration which allows protocol build, data collection and data sharing via free and open access web support.  

8th February 2018 • comment

Elizabeth Warren addresses the policy, privacy, and practical issues affecting data sharing in clinical trails. 

8th February 2018 • comment

A Global, Neutral Platform for Sharing Trial Data

by Bierer B, Li R, Barnes M, Sim I

Brigham and Women's Hospital–Harvard University's Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center is designing a platform to link existing data-sharing platforms and communities and host data from investigators who want to share data but lack the resources to do so.

8th February 2018 • comment

This article asks the question: how — and how much — to share, where and in what format data should be stored and accessed, and how to protect the privacy of the trial participants.

8th February 2018 • comment

Cancer Research UK highlights some key initiatives and repositories which may provide tools and guidance for data sharing in the academic clinical trial field.

8th February 2018 • comment

Research Data Management and Sharing

by University of North Carolina

The University of Carolina offers a free eLearning course about data management and sharing.

8th February 2018 • comment

The ethics of 'Trials within Cohorts' (TWiCs) 2nd international symposium

by Relton C, Burbach M, Collett C, Flory J, Gerlich S, Holm S, Hunn A, Kim S, Kwakkenbos L, May A, Nicholl J, Young-Afat D, Treweek S, Uher R, Van Staa T, Van Der Velden J, Verkooijen H, Vickers A, Welch S, Zwarenstein M

The two-day symposium enabled an international group to meet and share experiences of the TwiCs design and to discuss plans for future research.

8th February 2018 • comment

The University of Oxford's tips for data management planning.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

The ACDM represents professionals working in the management of clinical data

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation answers questions about their open access policy. 

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Data sharing statements for clinical trials

by Taichman D, Sahni P, Pinborg A, Peiperl L, Laine C, James A, Hong S, Haileamlak A, Gollogly L, Godlee F, Frizelle F, Florenzano F, Drazen J, Bauchner H, Baethge C, Backus J

The ICMJE introduces it's vsion for a global research community in which sharing deidentified data becomes the norm.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

This study assess the uptake of the rheumatoid arthritis core outcome set using a new assessment method of calculating uptake from data in clinical trial registry entries.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Guidelines for MRC research and management of data. 

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Pharmaceutical companies' policies on access to trial data, results, and methods: audit study

by Goldacre B, Lane S, Mahtani K, Heneghan C, Onakpoya I, Bushfield I, Smeeth L

This study looks at the commitments made by companies to transparency of trials.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Making research data repositories visible: The re3data.org registry

by Pampel H, Vierkant P, Scholze F, Bertelmann R, Kindling M, Klump J, Goebelbecker H, Gundlach J, Schirmbacher P, Dierolf U

This article describes the heterogeneous RDR landscape. Further, the article outlines the features of re3data.org, and shows how this registry helps to identify appropriate repositories for storage and search of research data.    

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Raw data from clinical trials: Within reach?

by Doshi P, Goodman S,, Ioannidis J

This article argues in favor of more widespread availability of data from clinical research.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

This study analyses the solutions offered by generalist scientific data repositories.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

The Yale Open Data Access (YODA) Project is one of several pioneering data-sharing models in use. It uses a “trusted intermediary” approach, in which an independent partner provides support, accountability, fairness, and transparency.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Trust, Respect, and Reciprocity: Informing Culturally Appropriate Data-Sharing Practice in Vietnam

by Merson L, Phong TV, Nhan le NT, Dung NT, Ngan T, Kinh N, Parker M, Bull S

This study used in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with 48 stakeholders in Vietnam to explore the experiences, attitudes, and expectations that inform ethical and effective approaches to sharing clinical research data.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

ACCESS CV proposes a secure method of sharing sensitive patient data that balances the legitimate desire of the scientific community for data access with the responsibility to ensure high-quality analyses and protection of patients’ expectation of privacy.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Lisa Rosenbaum looks at both sides of the data sharing discussion. 

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Avoiding Data Dumpsters — Toward Equitable and Useful Data Sharing

by Laura Merson, Oumar Gaye, Philippe J. Guerin

Although some researchers remain wary about sharing data, recent policies and proposals mean that data sharing, in one form or another, is inevitable.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Incentives for Clinical Trialists to Share Data

by Bernard Lo, David L. DeMets

Sharing of data from clinical trials benefits patients by enabling new discoveries, meta-analyses, and confirmation of published results.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Sharing Clinical Trial Data: A Proposal from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

by Taichman DB, Backus J, Baethge C, Bauchner H, de Leeuw PW,, Drazen JM, Fletcher J, Frizelle FA, Groves T, Haileamlak A, James A, Laine C, Peiperl L, Pinborg A, Sahni P, Wu S

The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) believes that there is an ethical obligation to responsibly share data generated by interventional clinical trials.

8th February 2018 • 0 comments

Motivational interviewing (MI) is a client-centred method of intervention focused on enhancing intrinsic motivation and behaviour change. This article looks at MI in adults in primary care. 

7th February 2018 • 0 comments

This is the first study to document the longer-term effects of adapted motivational interviewing, delivered in the primary care setting, on BMI, physical activity and related CVD risk factors.

7th February 2018 • 0 comments

This study determines how well authors comply with data sharing policies in Clinical Research Trails. 

7th February 2018 • comment

Preparing raw clinical data for publication: guidance for journal editors, authors, and peer reviewers

by Iain Hrynaszkiewicz, Melissa L Norton, Andrew J Vickers, Douglas G Altman

Iain Hrynaszkiewicz and colleagues propose a minimum standard for de-identifying datasets to ensure patient privacy when sharing clinical research data.

7th February 2018 • comment

The importance of clinical trial data sharing: toward more open science

by Joseph S. Ross, Richard Lehman, Cary P. Gross

The double-edged sword of open access to research data. 

7th February 2018 • comment

Sharing Clinical Research Data City: Washington, D.C. Publisher: National Academies Press

by Institute of Medicine, National Cancer Policy Forum, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Board on Health Care Services, Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation, Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders, Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health, Steve Olson, Autumn S. Downey, Rapporteurs

This e-book covers benefits, barriers and models for data sharing. 

7th February 2018 • comment

Data Sharing at a Crossroads

by Frank Rockhold, Perry Nisen, Andrew Freeman

The clinical research community is at an important crossroads about sharing data. 

7th February 2018 • comment

BioSharing: curated and crowd-sourced metadata standards, databases and data policies in the life sciences

by Peter McQuilton, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Milo Thurston, Allyson Lister, Eamonn Maguire, Susanna-Assunta Sansone

BioSharing harnesses community curation to collate and cross-reference resources across the life sciences from around the world. 

7th February 2018 • comment

Data sharing statements for clinical trials: a requirement of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

by Taichman D, Sahni P, Pinborg A, Peiperl L, Laine C, James A, Hong S, Haileamlak A, Gollogly L, Godlee F, Frizelle F, Florenzano F, Drazen J, Bauchner H, Baethge C, Backus J

The ICMJ gives its vision for a global research community in which sharing de-identified data becomes the norm.

7th February 2018 • comment

Data sharing is now a major theme in clinical research. However, effective, ethical sharing of clinical research data requires trust: research subjects must trust investigators to preserve their privacy, investigators must trust each other to give credit where credit is due, and the integrity of the entire research enterprise must be trusted by all. 

7th February 2018 • comment

The Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard (MRCT) aims to improve the integrity, safety, and rigor of global clinical trials.

7th February 2018 • comment

Clinical Trial Data Sharing

by Barbara Bierer

Barbara Bierer presents changes in data sharing, and gives solutions to challenges facing the feild. 

7th February 2018 • comment

The Project Data Sphere Initiative: Accelerating Cancer Research by Sharing Data

by Green AK, Reeder-Hayes KE, Corty RW, Basch E, Milowsky MI, Dusetzina SB, Bennett AV, Wood WA

Access to large, late-phase, cancer-trial data sets has the potential to transform cancer research by optimizing research efficiency and accelerating progress toward meaningful improvements in cancer care.

7th February 2018 • comment

A SOA-Based Platform to Support Clinical Data Sharing

by R. Gazzarata, B. Giannini, M. Giacomini

This article looks at the development of software to enhance the integration between patient-care practice and medical research.

7th February 2018 • comment

Feasibility, Process, and Outcomes of Cardiovascular Clinical Trial Data Sharing

by Hawkins C. Gay, Abigail S. Baldridge, Mark D. Huffman

Data sharing is as an expanding initiative for enhancing trust in the clinical research enterprise

7th February 2018 • comment

A new tool for the capture and conversion of clinical data is introduced as a way to encourage reuse of data and to reduce workloads in new studies. 

7th February 2018 • comment

Data sharing through an NIH central database repository: a cross-sectional survey of BioLINCC users

by Joseph S Ross, Jessica D Ritchie, Emily Finn, Nihar R Desai, Richard L Lehman, Harlan M Krumholz, Cary P Gross

This article assesses the use of the BioLINCC by clinical researchers. 

7th February 2018 • comment

This article looks at how data sharing could change and challenge design, conduct, and reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses for Clinical Research, as well as it's impact on those involved in evidence synthesis. 

6th February 2018 • comment

Data sharing and the evolving role of statisticians

by Nick Manamley, Steve Mallett, Matthew R. Sydes, Sally Hollis, Alison Scrimgeour, Hans Ulrich Burger, Hans-Joerg Urban

Statisticians are ambassadors for data sharing and are central to its success; this article looks at how the role is changing with new technologies and trends for data transparency. 

6th February 2018 • comment

Data Sharing

by Dan L. Longo, Jeffrey M. Drazen

The article poses the question: How would data sharing work best?

6th February 2018 • comment

Development of an open-source, flexible framework for complex inter-institutional disparate data sharing and collaboration

by Kirby C, Ambros P, Billiter D, London W, Mendonca E, Monclair T, Pearson A, Cohn S, Volchenboum S

The devolpment of a data sharing database makes it easier to harmonize and manage for data mining.

6th February 2018 • comment

In this paper, we review several aspects of the privacy-related problems associated with data sharing for clinical research from technical and policy perspectives.

6th February 2018 • comment

Basing Informed Decisions on the Totality of the Evidence

6th February 2018 • comment

Application Description and Policy Model in Collaborative Environment for Sharing of Information on Epidemiological and Clinical Research Data Sets

by Elias César Araujo de Carvalho, Adelia Portero Batilana, Julie Simkins, Henrique Martins, Jatin Shah, Dimple Rajgor, Anand Shah, Scott Rockart, Ricardo Pietrobon

This article describes a web appliaction for data sharing for clinical research. 

6th February 2018 • comment

Biomedical Data Sharing and Reuse: Attitudes and Practices of Clinical and Scientific Research Staff

by Lisa M. Federer, Ya-Ling Lu, Douglas J. Joubert, Judith Welsh, Barbara Brandys

This study investigates these differences in experiences with and perceptions about sharing data, as well as barriers to sharing among clinical and basic science researchers.

6th February 2018 • comment

This article looks at the thriving interest in open science and the inevitable widespread adoption of data, and how the two can be managed. 

6th February 2018 • comment

Approaches and Costs for Sharing Clinical Research Data

by Erin E. Wilhelm, Emily Oster, Ira Shoulson

This article looks at the complex issues behind data sharing in clinical trials. 

6th February 2018 • comment

This article looks at the interaction in the USA between sharing data from clinical trails and the Privacy Rule adopted under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

6th February 2018 • comment

This article proposes a controlled secure aggregation protocol to secure both privacy and accuracy when researchers outsource their clinical research data for sharing

6th February 2018 • comment

DICOM for quantitative imaging biomarker development: a standards based approach to sharing clinical data and structured PET/CT analysis results in head and neck cancer research

by Andriy Fedorov, David Clunie, Ethan Ulrich, Christian Bauer, Andreas Wahle, Bartley Brown, Michael Onken, Jörg Riesmeier, Steve Pieper, Ron Kikinis, John Buatti, Reinhard R. Beichel

Article on the devolpment of Imaging biomarkers and the need for data sharing for this. 

6th February 2018 • comment

IMPACT Observatory: tracking the evolution of clinical trial data sharing and research integrity

by Karmela Krleža-Jerić, Mirko Gabelica, Rita Banzi, Marina Krnić- Martinić, Bibiana Pulido, Mersiha Mahmić-Kaknjo, Ludovic Reveiz, Josip Šimić , Ana Utrobičić, Irena Hrgović

The objective of this paper is to present the IMPACT Observatory as well as share some of its preliminary findings

6th February 2018 • comment

The question at the center of the open-science efforts for clinical trials should not be whether data should be shared, but rather how we can usher in responsible methods for doing so.

6th February 2018 • comment

Emerging molecular markers for the prognosis of differentiated thyroid cancer patients

by Enke Baldini, Salvatore Sorrenti, Chiara Tuccilli, Natalie Prinzi, Carmela Coccaro, Antonio Catania, Angelo Filippini, Marco Bononi, Enrico De Antoni, Massimino D'Armiento, Salvatore Ulisse

A review into new molecular markers potentially able to ameliorate the prognosis in thyriod cancer patients.

6th February 2018 • comment

An article arguing that full transparency of clinical trial data is an essential prerequisite to achieving research integrity. 

6th February 2018 • comment

Data Sharing Policy

by The Medical Research Council

The Medical Research Council's policy on data sharing.

6th February 2018 • comment

Best Practices for Ethical Sharing of Individual-Level Health Research Data From Low- and Middle-Income Settings

by Susan Bull, Phaik Yeong Cheah, Spencer Denny, Irene Jao, Vicki Marsh, Laura Merson, Neena Shah More, Le Nguyen Thanh Nhan, David Osrin, Decha Tangseefa, Douglas Wassenaar, Michael Parker

This article discusses the results of a systematic review and multisite qualitative study of key stakeholders’ perspectives on best practices in ethical data sharing in low- and middle-income settings.

6th February 2018 • comment

Sharing Individual-Level Health Research Data: Experiences, Challenges and a Research Agenda

by Phaik Yeong Cheah, Nicholas P. J. Day, Michael Parker, Susan Bull

In this paper, we share our experiences establishing data management systems and data-sharing infrastructure including a data-sharing policy, data access committee and related procedures.

6th February 2018 • comment

This scoping review of empirical research and conceptual literature examined stakeholders’ perspectives of ethical best practices in data sharing, particularly in low- and middle-income settings.

6th February 2018 • comment

Data Sharing and the Journal

by Jeffrey M. Drazen

The Journal seeks to show it's commitment to data sharing in the setting of clinical trials.

6th February 2018 • comment

Sharing Individual Participant Data from Clinical Trials: An Opinion Survey Regarding the Establishment of a Central Repository

by Catrin Tudur Smith, Kerry Dwan, Douglas G. Altman, Mike Clarke, Richard Riley, Paula R. Williamson

An article looking at the major issues facing access to, and sharing of, Individual Participant Data.

6th February 2018 • comment

Developing Ethical Practices for Public Health Research Data Sharing in South Africa

by Spencer G. Denny, Blessing Silaigwana, Douglas Wassenaar, Susan Bull, Michael Parker

Amid increasing calls for more effective sharing of individual-level data, commitment to promote access to research data is evident within South Africa’s public research sector, but national guidance and regulation are absent.

6th February 2018 • comment

A useful editorial by Ben Goldacre reviewing the current status of data sharing in clinical trials’

5th February 2018 • comment