Pregnancy and Delivery Form Instructions
by INTERGROWTH-21stThis resource was used to train health professionals on how to record key data on pregnancies and deliveries for women participating in the Fetal Growth Longitudinal Study (FGLS) and Newborn Cross Sectional Study (NCSS).
Basic Neonatal Care Manual
by INTERGROWTH-21stThe INTERGROWTH-21st Project used this manual to standardize definitions, treatment and management recommendations of neonatal morbidities.
Anthropometry Handbook
by INTERGROWTH-21stThis handbook describes the methods used to perform accurate, precise and standardized anthropometric measurements for all components of the INTERGROWTH-21st study, including:
- height and weight of pregnant mothers
- birth weight, length and head circumference of newborns
- weight, length and head circumference of preterm babies
Measurement of Symphysis Fundus Height Protocol
by INTERGROWTH-21stThis protocol outlines the technique for measuring symphysis fundus height.
Blood Pressure Measurement Protocol
by INTERGROWTH-21stThis protocol outlines the technique for taking a pregnant woman's blood pressure.
Ultrasound Operations Manual
by INTERGROWTH-21stThe aims of this manual are to ensure all trained ultrasonographers are familiar with the standardized way measurements should be taken for the purposes of using the INTERGROWTH-21st growth standards, including standardization of the way the equipment should be used, ultrasound findings are recorded, data is entered and transfered, and how to train, asesses and certify these standardized techniques.
Correct Measurement of Fetal Crown Rump Length and Standardization of Ultrasonographers
by INTERGROWTH-21stThe aim of this manual is to ensure all trained ultrasonographers are familiar with the standardized way crown-rump length measurements should be taken for the purposes of using the INTERGROWTH-21st fetal growth standards.
Summary of Neurodevelopment Assessment Manuals
by INTERGROWTH-21stThis document is a selection of neurodevelopment assessment tests that were used in the INTERGROWTH-21st Project studies. It includes:
- Vision assessment
- Cortical auditory ERPs
- Assessment of sleep-wake cycle & daytime physical activity
Vision Assessment Manual
by INTERGROWTH-21stThis manual details the technique for administering the Cardiff Acuity Tests and Cardiff Contrast tests for vision assessment in children.
Cortical Auditory ERP Manual
by INTERGROWTH-21stThis manual details the technique for administering cortical auditory evoked response potential (ERP) tests for neurodevelopment assessment in children.
by INTERGROWTH-21stThis manual details the technique for administering the INTERGROWTH-21st Neurodevelopment Assessment in children.
Sleep-Wake Cycle Assessment Manual
by INTERGROWTH-21stThis manual details the technique for assessing sleep-wake cycles in children.
Improving the capacity for quality clinical research in selected South African public health and/or academic intuitions through an enhanced Global Health Trials
by Elizabeth Allen - Regional Faculty Lead, Cordelia Leisegang - Regional Faculty Lead, Trudie LangThe Global Health Trials South Africa Regional Faculty is currently running the following study, to improve the capacity for clinical research in South Africa by running an enhanced professional membership scheme and eLearning for study staff.
This article explains how to write a cover letter for a research job, tailored for each job and to maximise your chances of securing an interview. Examples and templates are given.
This article describes how to seek research jobs which will suiit you, and how to work out from the job description the best ways to apply and secure an interview.
This article gives practical advice about how to create an excellent research CV, and has links to many templates and advice articles from around the world, as well as information about how to use the Professional Membership Scheme to create a free, formatted GCP-standard CV for you which can be used for site files and job applications.
Complex realities: community engagement for a paediatric randomized controlled malaria vaccine trial in Kilifi, Kenya (Trials Article)
by Vibian Angwenyi, Dorcas Kamuya - Expert Committee, Dorothy Mwachiro, Betty Kalama, vicki marsh, Patricia Njuguna, Sassy MolyneuxIn this Trials paper, the authors share experiences of formal CE for a paediatric randomized controlled malaria vaccine trial conducted in three sites within Kilifi County, Kenya.
To raise awareness and assess malaria risk we carried out malaria control programme over a 2- year period to determine the prevalence of malaria through the use of RDT screening methods with corresponding treatment of patients that tested positive to the disease.
Bayesian Clinical Trials (Nature Reviews Article)
by Donald A. BerryAn introduction into and overview on the mathematics and practice of Bayesian (adaptive) clinical trials.