This Week in Global Health or TWiGH presents Global Health Out Loud with Sulzhan Bali & Jessica Taaffe.

9th March 2016 • 0 comments

Global Research Nurses is proud to announce skills sharing workshops at Mumbai and Gujarat, India in March 2016

26th February 2016 • 2 comments

Global Health Glossary

by The Editors

This glossary provides definitions of some common terms encountered in clinical research.

23rd February 2016 • 9 comments

Greg Martin talks about four areas of competencies needed to be effective in public health and global health. He places particular importance on management, leadership and governance.

22nd February 2016 • 0 comments

Abstract The luncheon for research nurses, supported by the Global Health Trials’ South African faculty and Global Research Nurses, was held at the University of Cape Town on 6 November 2015.  The purpose of the event, which attracted 65research nurses,  was to provide face to face interaction for research nurses and a platform for sharing challenges and triumphs for both UK and South African research nurses.

18th February 2016 • 1 comment

The Zika virus is another wild card dealt to us by nature. It was first discovered in 1947.

17th February 2016 • 0 comments

Video seminar by Chelsea McMullen, Operational Support Officer, International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC), presented at the University of Oxford, 21st October 2015

16th February 2016 • 0 comments

Quality of care assessment is one of the ways of evaluating what the health system is providing, however, such monitoring depends on an ability to measure quality with the availability of high quality data.

11th February 2016 • 3 comments

Recent calls have been made for rapid and responsible sharing of research data in public health emergencies and outbreaks.

8th February 2016 • 4 comments

Abstract Chikungunya is an emerging arbovirus that is characterized into four lineages. One of these, the Asian genotype, has spread rapidly in the Americas after its introduction in the Saint Martin island in October 2013. Unexpectedly, a new lineage, the East-Central-South African genotype, was introduced from Angola in the end of May 2014 in Feira de Santana (FSA), the second largest city in Bahia state, Brazil, where over 5,500 cases have now been reported. Number weekly cases of clinically confirmed CHIKV in FSA were analysed alongside with urban district of residence of CHIKV cases reported between June 2014 and October collected from the municipality’s surveillance network. The number of cases per week from June 2014 until September 2015 reveals two distinct transmission waves. The first wave ignited in June and transmission ceased by December 2014. However, a second transmission wave started in January and peaked in May 2015, 8 months after the first wave peak, and this time in phase with Dengue virus and Zika virus transmission, which ceased when minimum temperature dropped to approximately 15°C. We find that shorter travelling times from the district where the outbreak first emerged to other urban districts of FSA were strongly associated with incidence in each district in 2014 (R2).

1st February 2016 • 0 comments

To highlight the Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Awareness Week, TWiGH brings to you a conversation with Amy Maxmen- who recently wrote a series on Mycetoma with Global Health Now.

28th January 2016 • 0 comments

This Week in Global Health or TWiGH presents Global Health Out Loud with Sulzhan Bali & Jessica Taaffe. This week they discuss Zika virus.

25th January 2016 • 0 comments

Trial design for evaluating novel treatments during an outbreak of an infectious disease

by John Whitehead, Piero Olliaro, Trudie Lang , Peter Horby

This article discusses the designs used for two such clinical trials which have recruited patients in Liberia and Sierra Leone. General principles are outlined for trial designs intended to be deployed quickly, adapt flexibly and provide results soon enough to influence the course of the current epidemic rather than just providing evidence for use should Ebola break out again. Lessons are drawn for the conduct of clinical research in future outbreaks of infectious diseases, where the sequence of events may or may not be similar to the West African Ebola epidemic.  The paper was published in Clinical Trials.

22nd January 2016 • 0 comments

Call for Papers: Special issue on strengthening tuberculosis diagnostic networks in Africa - African Journal of Laboratory Medicine

22nd January 2016 • 0 comments

Malaria remains a major global health threat. In the last fifteen years there has been remarkable progress in reducing cases and deaths due to malaria.

14th January 2016 • 0 comments

Deployed in April 2015, we have established proof-of-principle for real-time genomic surveillance by generating over 40 genome sequences in as little as 48 hours from obtaining a patient sample and feeding the information back to the Ebola central coordination team.

11th January 2016 • 3 comments

Sponsorship in non-commercial clinical trials

by Raffaella Ravinetto , Katelijne De Nys, Marleen Boelaert, Ermias Diro, Graeme Meintjes, Yeka Adoke, Harry Tagbor, Minne Casteels

Non-commercial clinical research plays an increasingly essential role for global health. Multiple partners join in international consortia that operate under the limited timeframe of a specific funding period.

8th January 2016 • 5 comments

Video of Manson Christmas Lecture 2015 by Professor Charlotte Watts, Chief Scientific Advisor, DfID and founder of the Gender, Violence and Health Centre, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK.

7th January 2016 • 0 comments

Could scientists make history and change the way we deal with outbreaks?

7th January 2016 • 0 comments