11th November 2016 • 0 comments

A recently published paper in PLOS Medicine has investigated how adverse event data from clinical trials are summarised and consequently reported in published papers.

30th August 2016 • comment

Call for Papers: Special issue on strengthening tuberculosis diagnostic networks in Africa - African Journal of Laboratory Medicine

22nd January 2016 • comment

Dr Iveta Seimer, Deputy Director of the UK EQUATOR Centre, discusses research waste, reproducibility, and how to use reporting guidelines to make an impact. Poor reporting seriously affects the integrity of health research literature and critically limits the use and impact of published studies.

27th November 2015 • comment

Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health Call For Journal Submission

by Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health

To promote high-quality post graduate (PG) research, Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health plans on publishing a supplement issue showcasing Post Graduate Medical Research.A pre-requisite for the submission is that the first author must be a PG student. A certificate from the departmental head stating that it is from PG thesis (or original research independent of the thesis but conducted during the PG residency) should be submitted along with the letter to the Editor.

11th September 2015 • comment

New guidelines help researchers undertaking systematic reviews and IPD meta-analyses to report their findings in a full and transparent manner.

13th July 2015 • comment

Connecting Global Priorities

by Dr Gerry Bodeker

Discusses the contribution of biodiversity and ecosystems to health care needs.

1st July 2015 • comment

In celebration of Global Health Trials' fifth birthday (May 11th 2015) Professor Trudie Lang, Principal Investigator of the programme, talks to us about why Global Health Trials was started, why people should share their experience, and what the future holds.

8th May 2015 • comment
30th April 2015 • comment
25th February 2015 • comment
21st December 2014 • comment
19th November 2014 • comment

A systematic review of barriers to and facilitators of the use of evidence by policymakers (BMC article)

by Kathryn Oliver, Simon Innvar, Theo Lorenc, Jenny woodman, James Thomas

The gap between research and practice or policy is often described as a problem. To identify new barriers of and facilitators to the use of evidence by policymakers, and assess the state of research in this area, the authors present a systematic review.

10th January 2014 • comment

This guide, developed by the WHO and released in December 2013, aims to facilitate implementation research in LMICs.

2nd December 2013 • comment

Transnational Working Group on Data management of the ECRIN, the European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network, present recommendations for quality and harmonisation for data management. In addition good data management practices in general are identified.

20th February 2013 • comment

This publication discsusses whether or not open-source clinical trial data management will improve the likelihood that good clinical trials are conducted in resource-constrained settings.

25th January 2013 • comment