groups » Welcome and Introductions » Introduce yourself here!

Hi everyone, this new group is a place for new members to introduce themselves in the community. Please post to introduce yourself and let others know about where you are, what your work is, and what your future plans are.


  • Hi every one,iam family physician training doctor in sudanese medical center for training.
    I am very interseting in research and clinical development programm.

  • umarukabiaalimamy Alimamy Umaru Kabia 22 May 2016

    I am also the study data manager. I want to engage on Research. Thanks.

    Alimamy Umaru Kabia

  • umarukabiaalimamy Alimamy Umaru Kabia 22 May 2016

    I am Alimamy Umaru Kabia. I am a nurse at the 34 Military Hospital, wilberforce. I have been a study team member for ClinicalRM study trial on Convalescent Plasma for Ebola infected patients here in Sierra leone my country at the above mentioned hospital. My current position is Disease Surveillance Officer. Thank you.

    Alimamy Umaru Kabia

  • linhvanessa Vanessa Tran 28 Oct 2015


    My name is Vanessa and I am a postdoc at the University Health Network in Toronto. Our lab does malaria research, specifically looking at malaria in pregnancy and cerebral malaria. Looking forward to discussions to follow!

  • innocenter Innocenter Amima 27 Oct 2015

    Hello everyone,

    Innocenter here, from Kenya currently doing my masters in Mathematical Science in AIMS-Ghana. I like biostatistics and hope to have fun and share ideas in this new family

  • debymukendi Deby Mukendi 25 Oct 2015

    Hello everyone. I am neurologist working at “Université de Kinshasa”. I’m also researcher in Tropical Neglected disease which causes Neurological disorders, specifically improving diagnostic. I am RDC citizen.

  • afitriangga agus fitriangga 23 Oct 2015

    hi every one, iam agus fitriangga, i am an epidemiologist working in Faculty of Medicine Tanjungpura University, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. I am looking forward to gaining a lot form this forum.
    Best REgards

  • jobygeorge05 Joby George 17 Sep 2015

    Welcoming all new members to a platform exclusively for research,Stay active,Stay connected and continue researching.


    Joby George,
    Regional Faculty and Member,
    Global Health Trials

  • abarry Amadou Barry 15 Sep 2015

    Hello everyone,
    This is Barry from Mali. I'm a medical doctor. I have been working in the research field as co-investigator since 2006 at the Malaria Research and Training Center (MRTC). I was lucky to be awarded the African London Nagasaki scholarship in 2012 to undertake the master degree course in tropical medicine at the Institute of Tropical medicine in Japan. Currently I’m working as research associate, coordinating several clinical trials studies in Mali.
    I look forward to meet all of you in Mali very soon.

  • Hi all. I am a paediatrician and researcher in academic institution, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

  • tanujabhandari Tanuja Bhandari 15 Sep 2015

    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Ms Tanuja Bhandari working with IIPH- Delhi, Public Health Foundation of India in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. I am Sr. Programme Officer- Trainings, responsible to organize the trainings/ workshops. To spread the word I usually post the topics in different sites where public health is main concern... Public Health Education, Research and communication.
    I would love to share the upcoming scheduled topics, those who are interest to enhance their knowledge may apply or contact me (Email: for more queries.
    1- Design and Analysis of Cluster Randomized Trials (Sep 21st - 24th, 2015)

    2- Nutrition Epidemiology (Sep 28th - Oct 1st, 2015)
    Last date of registration: September 21, 2015

    3- Statistical Analysis using STATA (Oct 5 - 9, 2015)
    Last date of registration: September 30, 2015

    4- Data Collection in Quantitative Health Research (Oct 13 - 16, 2015)
    Last date of registration: October 6, 2015

    5- Workshop on Sample Size Estimation and Sampling Techniques (November 17 - 20, 2015)
    Last date of registration: November 3, 2015

    Warm regards,
    Ms Tanuja Bhandari

  • josephmutalejm josephmutalejm 15 Sep 2015

    Hi everyone I am Joseph Mutale, Zambian and currently not working. I am a biomedical technologist by profession and just joined the profession this year. Am looking forward to learning more here as I want to be in research

  • uche4utoo Anebonam Uchenna 5 Jul 2015

    Hi Everyone,
    Greetings from Nigeria.
    I am Anebonam Uchenna, (DVM, Msc Pblic Health Parasitology and currently a resident with the Nigerian Field Epidemiology and Lab Training Programme(NFELTP) for MPH in field Epidemiology. Part of the AU volunteers that participated in the Ebola response in sierra Leone where i was a Team Lead for Port Loo District.
    My interest cuts across a wide range of fields being an epidemiologist with the ultimtae goal of reducing global health mishaps

  • williamsanitac Anita Williams 2 Jul 2015

    Hi Everyone
    I'm Anita Williams, currently volunteering as a Public Health Intern in Kenya, but have worked previously as a Laboratory Technician in England and Australia. Am hoping to get a job next year in a developing nation. Am excited to see research and development come together!

  • mumbaymofu Yona Mofu Mumba 30 Jun 2015

    Am in Zambia working in theatre.

    Attached files: IMG_20150618_180238.jpg
  • umarukabiaalimamy Alimamy Umaru Kabia 31 May 2015

    Hi to you all,
    I have been working with the National Response Team as job description of Disease Survelance Officer (DSO) here in Sierra Leone. I am currently involved in the convalascence plasma research on confirmed ebola infected patients. I look foward to more studies.

  • umarukabiaalimamy Alimamy Umaru Kabia 31 May 2015

    I am proud to be a member of this group

  • umarukabiaalimamy Alimamy Umaru Kabia 31 May 2015

    I am a trained and qualified nurse attached at the 34 Military Hospital, Freetown, Sierra Leone. I currently work for the National Ebola Response Center (NERC) Sierra Leone.

  • mrmmethod mrmmethod 27 May 2015

    hi,everyone.i'm mamun from bangladesh.please add me in fb link:

  • Hi everyone, im a recently graduated pediatrician and young investigator, working on childhood diarrhea and parasitic intestinal infections, im from the Dominican Republic.

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