Groups » Regional Faculties

This discussion area is a holding space for the regional faculties whilst we develop a new area on the site. Please post here if you are interested in becoming involved at a local level in this Programme. The role of regional faculties is to encourage clinical trial researchers and staff to collaborate between institutions, disease areas and locations. This can be done by sharing experiences, resources and also by opening up meetings and training courses to colleagues from other groups.

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SAVE THE DATE: 2018 Nigeria Global Health Trials Conference 30-31st Jan 2018, Lagos

The Nigerian faculty are planning a free conference with the ...

7 years ago
By: The Editorial Team
10 Replies 1 year ago
By: The Editorial Team
For Nigerian members: join Nigeria Health Watch

This site may be of interesyed to members in Nieria: ...

10 years ago
By: The Editorial Team
2 Replies 2 years ago
By: William Morrison
BE PART OF GLOBAL HEALTH TRIALS! Join the discussion here

One of the reasons members say that they love Global ...

8 years ago
By: The Editorial Team
7 Replies 3 years ago
The Global Health Network- Nigerian Faculty

Hi everyone, It was indeed an exciting time during the ...

7 years ago
By: Glory Oluwagbenga Ogunfowokan - Regional Faculty Lead
18 Replies 5 years ago
New workshop: Capacity Building in Clinical Research - Abuja Nigeria

The Global Research Nurses and Global Health Trials regional faculties ...

6 years ago
By: The Editorial Team
0 Replies No posts
Dr. Hayat Ali Yousefai

I am Clinical Psychologist i want to share my Public ...

6 years ago
By: Hayat Ali Yousefzai
0 Replies No posts
Expanding the Knowledge on Tropical Diseases

Hi everyone, I am a biomedical technologist currently working as ...

8 years ago
By: josephmutalejm
1 Replies 8 years ago
By: The Editorial Team
South(ern) African Faculty launch

We recently launched a South African faculty of GHT at ...

12 years ago
By: Elizabeth Allen - Regional Faculty Lead
23 Replies 8 years ago
By: josephmutalejm

I am a clinical researcher from the CRENC (Clinical research ...

8 years ago
By: Anastase DZUDIE
1 Replies 8 years ago
By: The Editorial Team

Hi There, I am Innocent ALI, A Biomedical Researcher and ...

13 years ago
By: ALI Innocent
26 Replies 9 years ago
By: ALI Innocent