groups » Regional Faculties » East African Regional Faculty

We are really pleased to announce the launch of our East African Regional Faculty! This will be run by our team of Nic, Moses and Gilbert - please introduce yourselves below.

We'd like other people in the region to also introduce yourselves - we can then begin to network together and can let you know of upcoming events and workshops in the area. If you have any ideas for upcoming events, do let us know.


africa east

  • jobmarando JOB MARANDO MOKAYA 28 Feb 2012

    I am Job Marando, currently not in employment but would appreciate in sharing knowledge with others in clinical research trials and am glad to join the forum of GHT to build a long lasting relationship in research.

  • jthitiri JThitiri 22 Feb 2012


    I am Johnstone Thitiri, a study coordinator and clinical research monitor at KEMRI-Wellcome Trust. I am currently involved in a large trial of Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV uninfected children with severe malnutrition in several hospitals within Coast Province of Kenya, and in Nairobi capital. Am happy to join the East African forum of GHT to build capacity with peers.

  • Naomi Naomi Waithira 7 Feb 2012


    I am Naomi Waithira, data governance manager at KEMRI-Wellcome Trust and previously served as a data manager and systems programmer in clinical trials. My interest is in data management,data security and integration of electronic data capture systems.

    I am excited to be part of GHT-EA to share and learn from fellow researchers.

  • gogetii Gilbert Ogetii 2 Feb 2012

    Hi am Gilbert Ogetii and very glad to be a member of the GHT EA faculty. Am a clinical research associate currently based at DNDi (drugs for neglected diseases initiative) regional office in Nairobi where we coordinate and support the conduct of studies on neglected tropical diseases, majorly visceral leshmaniasis, in the region i.e. Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and Ethiopia. Am also member of the EACCR (east Africa consortium for clinical research) reciprocal monitoring scheme.
    The EA faculty offers as an excellent opportunity to share ideas, experiences and challenges as a region and hence enhance capacity to conduct high quality clinical trials. Looking forward to learning from you and lots of sharing of experiences.

  • Hi, I am Nick Kisengese, a member of Global Health Trials East Africa faculty, and Clinical Research Associate/Monitor at Quintiles, Kenya. For the over 8 years, I have focused on clinical trials site development; coordination, management, implementation and monitoring of international clinical research projects across Africa and Asia. Most recently, I was CRA at Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation based at Cape Town, South Africa. As Clinical Research Associate at International AIDS Vaccine Initiative,I was responsible for implementation, management and monitoring of HIV vaccines clinical trials and epidemiological studies conducted at sites in Kenya and Rwanda. My therapeutic experience is in HIV, TB and Malaria vaccines and drugs.
    It is Africa time for clinical research enterprise, and we need to work together to ensure the dream becomes a reality.

  • zbnandargie9 Zebene Andargie 30 Jan 2012

    I am a medical laboratory scientist working in jimma universty,Ethiopia. I am so glad to join the team. i hope we will have agood interaction on our major pubblic health issues.

  • swaiblule LULE abubaker Swaib 19 Jan 2012

    I am a Medical Officer working with MRC/UVRI Uganda and a distance student for a Master of Science Epidemiology. Becoming a member of the GHT EA faculty offers me the chance to share knowledge and best practices across the region. I am looking forward at interacting with you all.

  • cpmasesa Clemens Masesa 19 Jan 2012

    Hello! I am a data manager at MITU in Mwanza and would love to be a part of the GHT EA team.

    I hope to be able to share experiences and best practices mainly in various aspects of data management for clinical trials. I think it is important that data management practicioners in the region learn from each other in order to best contribute the efficient and effective conduct of trials in the region.

    As data managers, we all use an assortment of tools, methods and procedures. From experience, we are not aware of the "breakthroughs" or "discoveries" that colleagues in the region have made and might be unknowingly working sub-optimally (for lack of a better word)

    I believe that GHT EA faculty might make the first steps to try and share knowledge and best practices across the region.

  • CMandara Celine I. Mandara 19 Jan 2012

    Hi I am Celine Mandara, WHO/TDR fellow based at Sigma Tau Industrie Farmaceutiche at the moment. I am involved in Malaria research. i will be glad to be among the GHT EA team.
    My institution (NIMR),Tanzania has been involved in a number of malaria clinical trials, so this will also give more knowledge even to othe diseases.

  • mosesalobo Moses Alobo 11 Jan 2012

    Hi there,
    This is Moses Alobo and I am honoured to be a member of the Global Health Trials East African Faculty. I am a medical doctor and public health specialist currently working as a pharmaceutical physician for Hoffmann La Roche in Nairobi Kenya. I am excited as you are about GHT EA faculty and the opportunities it will offer us in improving clinical trials in the region. Yes, I agree that we may be mature in such clinical trials as malaria and HIV, however as a region we are still in the womb when it comes to oncology, rheumatology, renal medicine, diabetes clinical trials as an example. You bet we have sometimes stark differences with the West in these diseases that even geographical extension studies are a way to begin. Our trials in non-communicable diseases though present have a long way to go. That said its not without challenge that we are currently doing our communicable disease trials. I hope that we will, through GHT EA faculty create a critical mass of likeminded fellows who will take this process of growth to the next level.

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