groups » Global Health News, Events and Conferences » Announcing the Share1Thing campaign - share one item from your trial this month

Global Health Trials is launching a new campaign - Share1Thing - to encourage researchers to share just one tip, SOP, template, resource, or any other item from their trials, so as to create a global body of knowledge which is accessible to all.

Global Health Trials is doing a review, update and audit of its extensive tools, templates and resources. Global Health Trials currently houses over 100 templates, tools and resources for clinical research, ALL of which have been shared by researchers from all over the world so as to make it easier for you to run your studies. These are one of the most-accessed areas on the site, and you can find the tools here:
And templates here:

We need to add more to this extensive library. Please please share anything developed by your group - depending on the content, we can publicise it for you and help you to retain authorship if needed. We are looking for:

SOP templates, e.g. for study close, archiving, etc
examples of PIS for different types of studies, particularly if you've used creative ideas such as using drawings to explain problematic concepts
Training manuals, or guidance on how to create training plans for your team
Tools that you use to plan studies, e.g. budget planning tools
Monitoring plans
Publication plans
Communications plans for studies and sites
Governance plans for studies and sites
Competency Frameworks
Community engagement activity frameworks and plans
Risk assessments
Contract examples, e.g. investigator contracts

And so on and so on! Imagine - if every reader shared just ONE example from their last study, what an amazing body of knowledge we could build, which would be free and open to all.

Please send any examples, and information about how you built them, to We need you! Thanks in advance.


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