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RDT Info - Rapid Diagnostic Tests Information

RDT Info is an informational resource on rapid diagnostic tests and was developed for public health program managers and decision makers working in developing countries or other low-resource settings.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 15 Dec 2011
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Like us on Facebook

The Global Health Network now has a presence on Facebook. Like us and keep informed about our activities. Follow us on Twitter too @info_TGHN.

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Bookmarked by Francois van Loggerenberg on 22 Aug 2012
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Call for Applications

The Center of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), SIUT, in Karachi has run a successful one year Postgraduate Diploma Program (PGD) in Biomedical Ethics since 2006. In 2010, CBEC also initiated a two year long Masters in Bioethics (MBE) program.

I am pleased to announce the first “Call for Applications” for intake of students for the PGD Class of 2012 and MBE Class of 2013. The academic year commences in January 2012.

Details of PGD and MBE programs, including eligibility criteria and admission process, and application forms are available on our website (The deadline for receiving applications is August 22, 2011).

We would appreciate it if you could circulate this announcement widely to relevant individuals and institutions.

Please do not hesitate to email us at if you require additional information or any clarification.


Farhat Moazam, M.D., PhD
Professor and Chairperson
Center of Biomedical Ethics and Culture (CBEC), SIUT
Dewan Farooq Medical Complex
Karachi 74200, Pakistan
Phone: (92 21) 272-6338
Fax: (92 21) 921-5362
Email: and

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Bookmarked by Dina Bogecho on 5 Jul 2011
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Training and Resouces in Research Ethics Evaluation

TRREE is a multi-lingual web-based training program and capacity building initiative on the ethics of research involving humans. It is headed by a consortium of interested persons from Northern and Southern countries.

This site provides free-of-charge and open access to:

•e-Learning: a distance learning program and certification on research ethics evaluation &
•e-Resources: a participatory web-site with international, regional and national regulatory and policy resources
TRREE’s learning material is currently available in English, French, German and, shortly, in Portuguese.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 15 Nov 2011
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World Gastroenterology Organisation

This links to the website of the World Gastroenterology Organisation, who have training courses across South America, and in Thailand and South Africa. The WGO is a federation of over 110 national gastroentereolgoy societies across the world.

The site also offers an extensive, multi-language library of gastroenteregoloy guidelines for various diseases and health conditions, with links to resources and other articles.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 16 Aug 2012
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