Scientists use global computer network to find leishmaniasis drugsColombian scientists are using a global network of personal and institutional computers to search for potential drugs against leishmaniasis, a disease that affects 12 million people worldwide.
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Bookmarked by Tamzin Furtado on 19 Oct 2011
TB Partnership looking for Trial Sites - The Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR)An international partnership is looking for potential collaborators for planned phase II and III clinical trials. If you would like to register the possible interest of your clinical trial site then please let them know
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 25 Oct 2011
International TB Research Roadmap Launched!A plan targeting researchers around the world and providing them with a framework to achieve the research objectives of the the Global Plan to Stop TB 2011-2015 and beyond, towards elimination of TB, was launched on Saturday at the Union World Conference on Lung Health.
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 15 Nov 2011
International Leishmania NetworkThe International Leishmania Network is a network of experts and researchers in leishmaniasis and has been active since 1993. This website has an extensive discussion forum on all areas of leishmaniasis diagnostics, research and treatment, and structured topic areas.
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 6 Dec 2011
improve the health care system in low resource settingswe all should help in strengthening the health care system with proper management and care .
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 27 Apr 2015
Blog posts

TB Partnership looking for Trial Sites - The Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR)
This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...
This editorial describes the work of the WOMAN trial about post partum bleeding, and invites the participation of obstetricians, midwives and nurses from around the world to join an international collaborative effort to identify safe and effective treatments for post partum haemorrhage.
The Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) Initiative is seeking new trial sites for collaboration in planned phase I and II trials. Also available in French - click on the link and scroll down for French version.