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Support for health systems research

Practihc (Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trials in HealthCare) is a European Union-funded converted action which provides open-access tools, training and mentoring to researchers in developing countries who are interested in designing and conducting pragmatic randomized controlled trials of healthcare interventions.
Practihc is a collaboration of leading trialists from eleven countries who aim to improve health systems by increasing capacity to evaluate healthcare delivery systems, health policy, public health and clinical choices an identify those optoins which are most effective.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 13 Jul 2010
1 point

A glossary of terms used in clinical trials and evidence based medicine

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 13 Jul 2010
1 point

Randomised Trials in Child Health in Developing Countries 2010

Scroll to the bottom of the page for the booklets on randomised trials in children. These summarizes some of the latest research on child health in developing countries: evidence derived from all the randomized trials published over the last year. The aim is to make this information widely available to paediatricians, child health nurses, midwives, researchers, students and administrators in places where up-to-date health information is hard to find. It is hoped that such information will be helpful in reviewing treatment guidelines, clinical practice and public health approaches, and in teaching about paediatrics and evidence-based medicine.

The International Child Health Review Collaboration is a multicentre project to deliver the evidence basis behind World Health Organisation guidelines for use by paediatric doctors, nurses and other child health workers in Developing Countries

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Bookmarked by Palma Romero on 20 Jul 2010
2 points

Grupo de Investigación en Sueño - Perú

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Bookmarked by Edmundo Rosales-Mayor on 21 Jul 2010
2 points

a web-based interactive knowledge platform on the infectious diseases of poverty (IDPs) supported by's mission is to facilitate equitable access to and sharing of knowledge on IDPs; provide authoritative information on relevant research through commissioned reviews, profiles, news and technical briefs; enable participation in the formulation of research priorities through moderated discussion forums, blogs and communities of practice; and enhance stakeholders' participation in and contribution to health forums through "knowledge hubs". is run by a team of science writers and editors, guided by an international editorial board.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 26 Jul 2010
1 point