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A Peer Review Intervention for Monitoring and Evaluating sites (Prime) Lane A. et alThis is an interesting article about a peer review intervention which was embedded within a multi-site RCT of the effectivenesss of treatments for prostate cancer. The intervention involved trial staff from one site conducting on site monitoring at other sites involed in the RCT. The intervention complemented other quality control measures such as independant data monitoring and trial steering committtees. Hence there was not an immediate cost benefit howevev the focus on training and mentoring enhanced study cohesion (i.e. sites collaborating more closely with one another) and experienced trial staff were ablt to help colleagues at other sites resolve site problems and reduce errors. I think this article will be of great interest to those of you working on reciprocal monitoring schemes.
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Bookmarked by Tracey Chantler on 19 Oct 2011
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Scientists use global computer network to find leishmaniasis drugsColombian scientists are using a global network of personal and institutional computers to search for potential drugs against leishmaniasis, a disease that affects 12 million people worldwide.
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Bookmarked by Tamzin Furtado on 19 Oct 2011
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SciDevNet news item: Online forum seeks to boost work of ethics committeesArticle on SciDevNet about the launch of Global Health Reviewers, a partner site of Global Health Trials. is an online community for members of research review committees, and aims to provide support, guidance, review and professional network.
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 12 Oct 2011
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GCLP GuidelinesLink directly to the 2009 WHO GCLP guidelines
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 12 Oct 2011
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Prize for health innovation in AfricaThe UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the African Innovation Foundation (AIF) based in Switzerland have announced a 100,000 USD first prize and 50,000 USD second prize for innovations in various categories, including healthcare.
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Bookmarked by Tamzin Furtado on 13 Sep 2011
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