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The International Workshop on Research Ethics: New Challenges was held in Lima, Peru from 28 to 29 August 2018.

This event was jointly organized by the Latin American Forum for Research Ethics Committees (FLACEIS per initials in Spanish), the Peruvian IRB Network (REDCEI), and Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, with the sponsorship of  The Global Health Network, EDUPYME and EMERGE, without their support, this event could not have been held.  

This collaborative educational activity among Peruvian and international organizations aimed at updating Peruvian IRB members and investigators on new study designs for clinical trials and their ethical aspects, as well as sharing with our international attendees the Peru progress in the regulatory system, how to work in IRB networks and the role of IRBs in scientific integrity issues.

There were two keynote speakers, Dr. Heinner Guio from the Peruvian National Institute of Health (INS) and Dr. Ricardo Palacios, researchers from the Butantan Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Dr. Hans Vasquez, director of the Peruvian National Institute of Health (INS) inaugurated the workshop and emphasized the importance of strengthening clinical research in Peru, through its various partners and recognized the commitment of the organizers of this event with research ethics in Peru in the past few years.

To read the workshop executive summary click here.


