groups » Global Health News, Events and Conferences » New list of grants available from WHO-TDR - EVD/NTDs/CL/Capacity Building

WHO-TDR has published a new list of grants including:

Joint call for proposals with EDCTP and the UK Medical Research Council: Research and capacity development in support of the EVD response
Research on innovative approaches for safety monitoring of preventive chemotherapy interventions for the control of neglected tropical diseases
Call for selection of a consortium of institutions for the organization of two workshops to develop a regional network on surveillance, diagnostics and control of vector-borne emerging diseases in the Caribbean region
Research on the vulnerability of preventive chemotherapy of helminth infections to emergence of drug resistance
Short-term training grants for research capacity strengthening and knowledge management (2015)

For more information on all the above, visit:


funding grant opportunities

  • GHN_Editors The Editorial Team 11 Aug 2015

    Dear Joshua

    The WHO-TDR offers a range of grants, and many will be appropriate for research in Liberia yes, as it's a low-income country. Please follow the link in the article (shown in orange) for a list of current grant opportunities from TDR.

    Thank you

  • trekajoshua JOSHUA TREKA 7 Aug 2015

    do this grant be given LIBERIAN ORG?

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