groups » Global Health News, Events and Conferences » workshop in Lagos - Research in Disease Outbreaks, a collaborative skills sharing workshop 26th November

Attached files: Nigeria_workshop_poster.pdf

Global Health Trials' Central African Regional Faculty have come together to run another skills sharing workshop in Lagos, which will take place on the 26th November 2014.

The workshop will focus on the skills required to conduct very pragmatic research projects, for example during disease outbreaks, and will also contain a session focussing on how Nigeria overcame the ebola virus.

As always, the workshop is free to attend and suitable for the whole research team. However, prior registration is essential, as spaces are limited and we are nearly always overbooked!

To register, please email with the subject line 'Nigeria workshop', and send your name, email address, place of work and job title.

Thanks and enjoy the day! Please feel free to share the attached poster widely.


  • muhibudeen MUHIBI MUSA ABIDEMI 24 Nov 2014

    I have just sent a mail to register for the workshop. Hope to have a prompt response please.
    Thank you.

  • GHN_Editors The Editorial Team 14 Nov 2014

    Hi David

    thanks for your message - please email to reg ister at the email address given above. You should use the subject line 'Nigeria workshop', and send your name, email address, place of work and job title.

    Thank you and kind regards
    The Editorial Team

  • Can you please register me for this workshop.

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