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Join Us For a Webinar:Why Nigeria's Response to Ebola Succeeded?
When: 10:00AM - 11:00AM EST November 7, 2014
Where: Webinar
A man arrived by plane in Lagos on July 20. He fell ill at the airport and was taken to a private hospital. Shortly afterward he was diagnosed with Ebola, the first case ever in Nigeria. Lagos is an enormous city of over 18 million people so the number of lives at risk was terrifying.
"If Ebola hits Lagos, we're in real trouble," warned Laurie Garrett in Foreign Policy, and added that her colleague John Campbell predicted it "would instantly transform this situation into a worldwide crisis."
August 29th marked the last reported case of Ebola in the country, and the final number of confirmed cases was 20, with eight deaths, Nigeria was declared officially free of Ebola on October 20th. Have you wondered how Nigeria managed to control the introduction of Ebola?
If you have, please join Dr. Jide Idris (Honorable Commissioner of Health, Lagos State) and Dr Tamunoiyoriari Parker (Commissioner of Health, Rivers State) by webinar on Friday November 7th between 10.00 am and 11.00 am (EST). Both commissioners led the health sector to address the introduction of Ebola Virus Disease in their respective states in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health, the Nigerian private sector and International Partners. This would be a good opportunity to ask those questions you have always wanted to know about the Nigerian response and may contribute to bringing new ideas for managing and controlling EBD elsewhere.
Anadach is jointly hosting this Webinar with the Office of Global Health, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Please send any questions you might have to or tweet #anadachwebinar. We encourage participants to send questions prior to the event. However, there would be an opportunity to ask the commissioners some questions after the presentations.
Please register yourself at:
Please feel free to forward this announcement to other friends or colleagues who may be interested. Participation is very limited so we suggest you register as soon as possible.


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