groups » Global Health News, Events and Conferences » RSTMH Grants round now open

The Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene have opened a new round of grants for travel, training scholarships, and small studies.

From RSTMH website:
We are delighted to announce the opening of a new round of travel and training scholarships and small grants on 01 October 2014.
Our aim is to support clinicians and scientists in all disciplines of tropical medicine and global health, including the relationship between human health and animal health, in the pursuit of themes of clinical or scientific research or fieldwork.
Our focus will be on the early-career investigator (maximum 15 years active relevant training or employment) with clear research plans, adequate supervision and institutional support and few alternative sources of funding.
We are particularly looking to fund projects with a strong element of creativity and/or innovation that will have benefits beyond the academic community and will make a tangible and measurable difference.
We will consider applications for travel and training scholarships (up to £1,000) and small grants (up to £5,000) such as pump-priming grants, pilot studies or discrete elements within larger projects.
Our grant-making policy, regulations and application forms can be downloaded via our website:

The deadline for submitting applications is Friday 09 January 2015 and disbursements will be made from April onwards. Please direct any queries to


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