groups » Global Health News, Events and Conferences » One Day Skills-Sharing workshop in Dar es Salaam on Clinical Trials in Tanzania - all welcome, free to attend (but please register!)

Attached files: 2012-06-13_-_Global_Health_Trials_and_NIMR_workshop_July_2012_v1.0.pdf

We are very pleased to announce that a one-day skills-sharing workshop on clinical trials in Tanzania will be run on the 12th July in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. It is aimed at all clinical research staff and as such has a fantastic and varied programme. Please see the attached the poster for the workshop, below.

If you're interested in coming, please make sure you email to register!

Thanks and hoping to see you there,

the Editorial Team


tanzania workshop

  • GHN_Editors The Editorial Team 3 Jul 2012

    Just a reminder that if you would like to register for the one-day skills sharing workshop in Dar on 12th July, please email me at to do so; places are filling up quickly and it's promising to be a really fantastic and useful day!

    kindest regards
    the Editorial Team

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