groups » Global Health News, Events and Conferences » HIFA: Focus on Systematic Review

What are systematic reviews? Why are they important? What are their strengths and weaknesess? How can systematic reviews and local research be used more effectively to support evidence-informed policy and practice in low- and middle-income countries?

Starting 15 May, HIFA is hosting a major thematic discussion on Systematic Reviews, supported by the Special Programme on Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), the World Health Organization, and The Lancet.

The discussion will take place on the HIFA forum (English, 10,000 members in 176 countries). Parallel discussions will be held on CHIFA (child health and rights), HIFA-French, HIFA-Portuguese, and HIFA-Zambia.

The discussion will last for 6 weeks and will deep-dive into the following questions (let us know if you have questions to add):

1. What are systematic reviews? Why are they important?
2. What are the strengths and limitations of SRs (to guide policy and practice in LMICs)?
3. What is the role of (global) SRs versus (local) single research studies (to guide policy and practice in LMICs)?
4. What can be done to increase the relevance and usefulness of SRs (to guide policy and practice in LMICs)?
5. What can be done to promote the production, interpretation and synthesis of SRs in LMICs?

If you are not already a HIFA member, you can join (free) here.

A synthesis of the discussion will be presented at the Global Evidence Summit in Cape Town, South Africa, 13-16 September 2017.

This is the third major discussion in the 2016-2017 series, from the HIFA Project on Evidence-Informed Policy and Practice.

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