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Bourses de formation en Recherche et Développement clinique du TDR

Le Programme spécial de recherche et de formation concernant les maladies tropicales (TDR) invite les chercheurs de pays en voie de développement à présenter leur candidature à des bourses de formation de 12 mois en recherche et développement clinique. Les candidats sélectionnés seront placés dans des institutions en charge du développement de médicaments comme les sociétés pharmaceutiques et les partenariats de développement de produits impliqués dans ce programme de formation. Le but est de développer des capacités afin de promouvoir la recherche et le développement clinique de qualité dans les pays d’endémie en formant des professionnels qualifiés qui seront à même de renforcer les capacités de développement dans les pays d'endémie d' outils de diagnostique, de médicaments et de vaccins contre les maladies infectieuses qui touchent de façon disproportionnée les populations les plus pauvres et marginalisées.

Le programme formera des chercheurs in situ, en collaboration avec des partenaires appropriés afin de développer des compétences spécialisées qui ne sont pas toujours enseignées dans les centres universitaires, et notamment la gestion de projets de recherche et développement, la réglementation et les bonnes pratiques dans les essais cliniques. A la fin de leur stage, ces chercheurs sont censés rentrer dans leurs établissements d’origine et assumer des responsabilités, devenant ainsi des ressources précieuses dans l’effort mondial de recherche et développement contre les maladies infectieuses.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 27 Aug 2010
1 point

Call for applications - TDR R&D career development fellowships

TDR Clinical R&D career development fellowships provide a generous monthly stipend, travel, health insurance, computer, alumni membership and professional meeting participation.

The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) invites researchers from Disease Endemic Countries (DEC) to apply for a 12-month Career Development Fellowship on Clinical Research & Development (Clinical R&D). Successful candidates will be seconded to leading drug development institutions such as pharmaceutical companies and product development partnerships (PDPs) that are also taking part in this fellowship programme. The goal is to develop human resources to promote high quality clinical R&D in DEC It is expected that qualified professionals will be able to enhance DEC product‑development capacity on diagnostics, drugs and vaccines for infectious diseases that disproportionately affect poor and marginalized populations.

The fellowship will train individuals in situ with relevant partners in order to develop specialized skills not readily taught in academic centres, including inter alia R&D project management, regulatory requirements and good practices. Upon completing their fellowships, the individuals are expected to return to their home institutes and assume a leading role in the global effort on R&D for infectious diseases.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 27 Aug 2010
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Managing clinical trials, A good and insightful paper from the Trials Journal

Managing clinical trials, of whatever size and complexity, requires efficient trial management. Trials fail because
tried and tested systems handed down through apprenticeships have not been documented, evaluated or published
to guide new trialists starting out in this important field. For the past three decades, trialists have invented
and reinvented the trial management wheel. We suggest that to improve the successful, timely delivery of important
clinical trials for patient benefit, it is time to produce standard trial management guidelines and develop
robust methods of evaluation.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 11 Aug 2010
3 points

Latest TDR news

* Call for investment in health information
* Skills-building course held in Caribbean
* WHO issues new dengue guidelines
* WHO Bulletin features TDR’s dengue work
* South-East Asia’s diseases highlighted
* Bioinformatics of infectious diseases
* New Swiss Institute
* WHO and TDR staff changes
* Ndumbe looks back on Scientific and Technical Committee

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 6 Aug 2010
0 points

Policy Cures’ mission is to provide innovative ideas and accurate analysis to accelerate development

Policy Cures is an independent group providing research, information, decision-making tools and strategic analysis for those involved in the creation of new pharmaceuticals for neglected diseases such as malaria, TB, HIV, pneumonia, sleeping sickness and helminth infections. Our focus is on providing governments, funders and civil society organisations with the information they need to make optimal research and development (R&D) policy and funding decisions for diseases of the developing world.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 6 Aug 2010
1 point