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2nd Award for individuals in the developing world who have made a significant contribution to Open Access. The application form for nominations follows the announcement.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 16 Oct 2012
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Management and hosting of initiative

Expressions of interest are now being taken from institutions in low- and middle-income countries to assume the responsibility for the leadership, management and hosting of the initiative. The WHO Department of Knowledge Management and Sharing (KMS) and the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) are transitioning out the managerial responsibility.
Interested candidate institutions are invited to send a proposal and required documentation by 30 October 2012.

The selected institution will be expected to:

1. Lead, manage and host the initiative;
2. Establish and coordinate a partnership with research institutions in low and middle income countries (LMIC) to run;
3. Promote and raise funds for the sustainability of

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 24 Sep 2012
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Call for Applications: TDR Clinical Research & Development Fellowships - EXTENDED DEADLINE

Researchers from low and middle income countries (LMICs) are invited to apply for the fourth round of the WHO/TDR Career Development Fellowship (CDF) on clinical research & development (clinical R&D). Successful candidates will be placed with leading product development institutions, including pharmaceutical companies that are participating in the fellowship programme (“host institutions”). The goal is to develop human resources to promote high quality clinical R&D in LMICs. It is expected that qualified professionals will enhance LMICs’ product development capacity on diagnostics, drugs and vaccines for infectious diseases that disproportionately affect poor and marginalized populations.
The host institutions will train individuals in situ in order to develop specialized skills not readily taught in academic centres, including R&D project management, regulatory requirements and good health research practices. On returning to their home institutions, the fellows are expected to become an important resource for institutional capacity development to undertake and manage clinical research in accordance with international regulatory requirements and standards.

The deadline has been extended since the call was issued so all applications must be received by 7th October 2012 at the latest.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 24 Sep 2012
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The 2013 Gordon Conference on Tropical Infectious Diseases: from bench to field

The 2013 Gordon Conference on Tropical Infectious Diseases: from bench to field, will present cutting edge research on the most prevalent and medically important tropical infectious diseases (TIDs), with special emphasis on research areas that have made significant recent progress. This will be the third time that this particular GRC has been held, and it will retain the general thematic organization of the very successful conference last held in 2011. The intent is to gather a multidisciplinary community of scientists discussing basic and field based or translational research in TIDs.

February 10-15, 2013
Hotel Galvez

Please note that a limited number of travel awards will be granted to participants from diseases endemic countries. Registrants should contact the chair to indicate their interest in applying for a travel award.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 12 Sep 2012
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LSHTM Online has a database of research conducted at LSHTM - with access to full text articles.

LSHTM Research Online is freely accessible online database of research conducted by staff from London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Where possible we will provide access to the full text of research articles, where we are unable to provide the full text we will hold the bibliographical information and provide links to where the full text can be accessed.

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 11 Sep 2012
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