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HandsOn: Biobanks

HandsOn: Biobanks

Uppsala Konsert & Kongress
20-21 September 2012, Uppsala, Sweden

Biobanking has become hot, and rather quickly. The technology, the claims and the investments are increasing, but what is the value we are chasing? The route from a human biological sample and registry data to real benefit for patients and public health is complex. Many activities make up this route: funding, ethical review, sample and data collection, storage, bioanalysis and bioinformatics. Each is intended to add value, but how do we make sure we see and increase the benefits?

At this interactive conference we invite you to help understand and improve the activities in these value chains and bring more benefit to humanity. We will use Idea Labs, Hands-On Exhibitions, poster presentations and knowledge sharing to present, discuss and develop ideas for getting the best out of biobanking. We invite academy, industry, doctors, patient groups, policy makers, public representatives and legislators to share knowledge and concerns, and to contribute.

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Bookmarked by dbogecho on 13 Feb 2012
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Nuffield Council Symposium Report: ‘Global health: responsibility, ethics and policy’

A report of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics’ 20th anniversary symposium ‘Global health: responsibility, ethics and policy’ has been published.
At the symposium, which took place on 22 June 2011, speakers from around the globe discussed topics such as ethics and responsibility in global health, non-communicable diseases, the role of emerging biotechnologies in global health, and social determinants of health.
Over 150 people attended the meeting, including clinicians, government officials, and representatives of research funding bodies, charities and pharmaceutical companies, both from the UK and abroad.
Albert Weale, Chair of the Council, summed up the day by highlighting some major themes that had emerged, including medical training and migration, interdependence, responsibility, and ‘health for all’ policies. The symposium will inform the Council as it considers its future work in the field of global health.

Download the report, a video showing highlights of the symposium, the programme, and speaker slides at:

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Bookmarked by dbogecho on 9 Feb 2012
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Nuffield Council on Bioethics public lecture 2012

Are global health policies good for public health in developing countries?
Dr Amar Jesani

Editor of the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, and Faculty, Centre for Studies in Ethics and Rights (Anusandhan Trust), Mumbai, India

Wednesday 16 May 2012, 17:30-21:00
Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE


This event is open to all and free to attend but please book your place in advance.

Contact: Johanna White
+44 (0)207 681 9619

Lecture synopsis

Global health policies are shaped by multiple institutions, not all of them working directly in the field of health. These institutions both co-operate and compete with each other. But the dominant ones among them share some common approaches: (a) applying the principles of liberal economics to public health; (b) favouring certain technological and managerial solutions in system reforms; and (c) above all, having a common epistemological view on science and on what constitutes evidence. The dominance of this political, ideological and intellectual framework facilitates the opening up of public health to the market, and connects it to national and international corporate interests. In his lecture, Amar Jesani will argue that these developments are in conflict with people’s aspirations for more equitable socio-economic development, and for universal access to health care in developing countries. He will use India as a case study to demonstrate these points.

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Bookmarked by Editorial Team on 18 Apr 2012
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Website of the Ethox Centre, University of Oxford

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Bookmarked by mparker on 15 Feb 2011
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4-8 June - Clinical Pharmacokinetic studies for HIV, TB and Malaria

The University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Division of Clinical Pharmacology, in association with Trials of Excellence in Southern Africa (TESA), presents an interactive 5-day workshop on the theoretical & practical aspects of designing, organising & analysing pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) clinical research projects.

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Bookmarked by Zuri Otieno on 13 Feb 2012
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