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Today marks a major achievement, the fifth birthday of global health research community, Global Health Trials. The outstanding success of this initiative is owed to its diverse, international body of researchers who contribute their time and research experience to build research capacity; using the Global Health Trials platform as a tool for success.Global Health Trials ( is an online community of practice, where researchers working in global health come together to share their knowledge about how to conduct health research, with the aim of enabling the generation of life-saving evidence in places and situation where research is difficult and rarely happens. It works because it is free and it’s a neutral and truly collaborative space, making it unique; scientists are well known for not sharing how they do their work!
Five years ago, Global Health Trials was launched to provide frontline healthcare workers with access to all the tools, training and knowledge they would need to set up their own studies. It began as a resource library and discussion forum; researchers could share their guidance articles about conducting research, and could ask one another questions and share their experiences. Five years on, and with over 145,000 visitors, Global Health Trials has seen an exponential rate of growth and morphed into an evolving platform with numerous features that guide the process of conducting a research study; both in terms of online resources and events organised by users, and with applications such as the popular Training Centre, research Site-Finder tool, and Process Map. In fact, the project has been so successful that Global Health Trials is now its own niche area within the wider Global Health Network ( , which encompasses all the projects above and more, providing an open-access set of tools, resources and community platforms for specific types of research or roles. It has become an online science-park for the Global Health Research community.
Global Health Trials works because it is operates globally via its online platform, so one can find assistance from researchers across the entire world, but also because it is locally active, with regional hubs in many locations. For example, Global Health Trials has regional faculties, which are local, volunteer-led networks which build local research capacity, running free and open-access skills sharing workshops in many locations, working on exciting methodology research projects, as well as working together to share events, training opportunities, tools and resources. Lastly it is successful because it is cross-cutting, sharing resource between disease areas, regions and health organisations.As with all communities of practice, Global Health Trials owes its success to its members, who have taken the time to share their guidance and advice on the ‘how to’ of clinical research. For example, they might act as expert in an ‘ask the expert’ panel; they might contribute their guidance articles on a step or procedure in the research process; or they might organise local events to build local research capacity. It is the enthusiasm of these global contributors who have created such an all-encompassing, worldwide community, and in turn encouraged and empowered others to perform global health research.
This community-driven approach also ensures that the platform is constantly evolving, as new resource gaps are uncovered. For example, the South African regional faculty identifying a lack of training opportunities in Project Management for clinical trials; in response the platform was used to run a skills –sharing workshop, free to attend, and which is being transformed into an open-access eLearning course for future users all around the world.To mark its fifth birthday, Global Health Trials’ regional communities are coming together to form a worldwide seminar series, with seminars discussing the role of communities of practice in clinical research marking the occasion in over fifteen locations across the globe. Online webinars will be conducted including Q&A with the Principal Investigator, Professor Trudie Lang, and a commemorative interactive map ‘How Global Health Trials has helped me’ will be available online, for users to leave their photos, birthday messages, thoughts and videos.
Please join the community in thanking Global Health Trials’ contributors on this special day, and celebrate with us. Add your thoughts to the map here (or email them to, sign up or sign in, get involved in the regional events, and email if you’d like to be involved in future.Happy Birthday to the Global Health Trials Community!
Connect with us on:Global Health Trials: www.globalhealthtrials.orgFacebook: #GHT5years

  • Happy Birthday to GHT. It has indeed been five years of: active discussion on novel research topics which are related to clinical trial, excellent opportunities for the development of capacity for clinical research and five years of creating opportunities to meet brilliant pool of clinical research scientists which would have been impossible without the GHT. We shall all work together to advance the course of GHT while creating a win-win situation for all. HBD, GHT!!!!.

  • johnstonethitiri Johnstone Thitiri 13 May 2015

    Happy birthday GHT and many successful years ahead of networking and expanding the clinical trials community!!

  • Hello and Happy Birhtday! Thanks for your work!

  • herreramorbanmd herreramorbanmd 11 May 2015


  • jobygeorge05 Joby George 11 May 2015

    What a great Occasion !I'm happy to wish and thank once again all the valued members,faculty a very happy anniversary,May the coming days with GHT touch millions of researchers across the globe through its one touch platform,Lets hope and work together for great days ahead.

  • sreedharsmail sreedharsmail 11 May 2015

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! HAPPY Birthday GLOBAL HEALTH TRIALS.So today, on the 5th anniversary of GHT, we are celebrating. I thank all the members for being part of our journey.Global Health Trials has has provided me the resources for Developing my career in Clinical Research Industry Iam honored to be part of GHT.

  • Happy birthday GHT! I clearly remember receiving an email about this venture all those years ago and thinking how great it was that something of this kind was being developed. In particular, how trial sites/teams that may be small or isolated could now begin to freely access practical resources to conduct their trials, with the added bonus of being able to network with others to swap experiences, ideas and solutions to problems encountered. So a big thank you from Cape Town and all the best for the future of this very valuable endeavour. We're so glad to have been involved!