Organisation of workshop series

Step 1
Identifying target groups
- Local experts: identified by scoping documents from MoH, Universities and other relevant local research institutes
- Research groups within research consortia
Defining the call criteria related to proposal content and format
- Choose a theme/topic
- Proposed workshop training should be relevant to public health and aimed at improving research skills (for example, academic writing, funding proposal submission, implementation of public policies and public engagement)
- Workshop Design: highly interactive format with practical activities and tasks in groups
- Target: academics, researchers, health professionals, laboratory staff and/or students
- Collaborative proposals involving more than one research group or institution were encouraged
- English or local language
- 1,500-word limit to describe the programme proposal
- Submissions made to a central email account
Call dissemination
- An email was sent to the identified target groups with the call information and the application form
- A 2.5 week-period was given to submit proposals
- Reminder emails sent 5 and 2 days before the deadline. Download email templates
Selection of proposals
- Submissions were scored by a panel according to pre-determined criteria. Download scoring system
- Compatibility with the Network's goals
- Proponent capacity building experience
- Proponent research expertise
- Basic host site infrastructure for training activities
- Target audience and date
- Only proposals with a minimum score of 50% across all criteria were considered
- Proponents were informed of the selection outcome within 2 weeks from the deadline. Download email templates