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This toolkit was developed by the Sustainable Science Institute, by professors Maria Elena Penaranda (MSc PhD, Scientific Director of Sustainable Sciences Institute, San Francisco, California), Lucelly López López (Health Information Systems Manager, Specialist in Statistics. PhD in Technology and Innovation Management, Professor at Pontificia Bolivariana University, Colombia), María Patricia Arbelaez-Montoya (MD, MPH, PhDEmeritus Professor Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín – Colombia) and Steffani Herring-Hall and Mercedes Rumi from The Global Health Network.

Date of publication



Step-by-step guidance for researchers and health care professionals who are seeking funding for their health research projects. The toolkit covers the key components of a successful funding proposal, including defining the research question, conducting a literature review, outlining the research design and methodology, estimating the budget, and developing a compelling project narrative.



The toolkit is based on curriculum developed over the course of 25 years by the experts at the Sustainable Science Institute, which has a rich history of promoting scientific research and public health capacity in areas of the world with pressing health problems. With its strong foundation in the teachings of the Sustainable Science Institute, the toolkit is a trusted and reliable source of information and guidance for anyone seeking to make a positive impact on the world.

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