MRC call for African Leaders funding opportunityPlease see think link for a call the the UK's Medical Research Council have release to support the development of African research leaders.
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Bookmarked by Trudie Lang on 20 Jul 2011
Second Round of Mass General Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTech)The Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTech) is a global consortium of academic, clinical, corporate and implementation partners working to expedite and improve affordable medical technology development for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). CAMTech’s mission is to co-create, test and deploy innovative, high-quality and affordable health technologies to improve health outcomes in the poorest regions of the world. CAMTech’s first priority area will focus on maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH). Please follow this link to access the second round of innovation awards announcement.
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 6 Nov 2012
Blog posts

RSTMH to invest £100,000 in 2013-14 grants programme
This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...
In response to the recent World Health Organisation (WHO) Global Vector Control Response document (, ARCTEC at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is working with The Global Health Network, the WHO and the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop an exciting new initiative called The Global Vector Hub. The project is being part-funded by an EU H2020 grant as part of the recently formed ZikaPLAN consortium. We have been invited by the Wellcome Trust to submit an application for a Biomedical Resource and Technology Development Grant to help fund the website. We have successfully advanced through the first round of grant proposals. The full application is now being prepared and is due for submission on 3rd April, 2017. To demonstrate the need for the Global Vector Hub, we are collecting letters of support from potential stakeholders. It would be great if you could distribute this e-mail to your contacts and ask them to provide letters of support.
Clinical trials don't have to be expensive! Here are some tips for finding funding and drafting a realistic budget for your study.