About: Dr Makwese Maepa has an Honours Degree in Medical Sciences, specialising in medical microbiology. He also acquired his Master in Biomedical Technology. As a masters (Cum-Laude) graduate, his main area of study has always been based on the possibility of treating diseases with in-expensive natural medicinal plant products. Dr Maepa also holds a Doctoral in the field of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells from Tshwane University of Technology. Within the bio-tissue regeneration field, he forms part of a service solution-oriented academics and scholars especially aiming to improve and optimize stem cell technologies. Dr Maepa has held the following positions in the following sectors in the past 13 years: • Part time Lecturer (Anatomy and Physiology I; Pathophysiology II, Biochemistry) - Biomedical Sciences • Laboratory Manager (Research work) - Tissue Engineering Laboratory • Academic Excellence Coordinator - Faculty of Science: Tshwane University of Technology He is also the Executive Director of Global Health Biotech (PTY) LTD, he is responsible for sales, marketing and new business developments in the company.
Location: South AfricaJob: Student
- Senior Lecturer (PI) at University of Limpopo
1 Oct 2022 -
- Research Coordinator at Global Health Biotech
1 Sep 2017 -
- Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine at Tshwane University of Technology 1 Jan 2015 -