groups » The Zambian Clinical Research Forum » Is this group still alive?

I am new to this group. I am excited to find a team of Zambians trying to collaborate on clinical research.
I have noticed that the last posting on the forum was about 4 years. Where are you, people? Surely their's lots of content happening on clinical research that could be shared here.
Let's make clinical research big in Zambia.
Let us drive improved clinical outcomes in Zambia. I am happy to collaborate in any way possible.


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  • lubindat lubindat 21 Sep 2018

    Dear Leandro,
    Thank for responding
    To be honest, I didn't think anyone could respond on this forum.
    I am also looking for investigators from Zambia that I could work with and help build capacity.
    I don't have any site but hope to find some willing investigators soon.
    about you, where are you based?

  • leandro L Abad 15 Aug 2018

    Dear Timothy, thanks for your post and for re-starting the conversation.

    It would be fantastic to engage with other researchers from Zambia to understand what are the ongoing clinical research initiatives in Zambia, which are the most common challenges in developing research there, and how we can work together to overcome those.

    I would suggest you to take a look and register yourself (if you have not done so yet) to SiteFinder, a tool that enable researchers and study groups to identify partners across countries and regions. Take a look here:

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