groups » Welcome and Introductions » Clinical Trials Manager

I stumbled upon this website and it contains a wealth of information. With over 20 years of experience in the Biotech industry the learning never stops as there is always something new to resolve.

I'm looking forward to participating in the group discussions and learning more from each of you as well as sharing my experience.

I am located in the San Francisco Bay Area and would love to one day work in another Country.


Betty Q

  • gracias por dejar ser parte de este gran grupo de investigadores . mediante cursos . como pregunta de investigación nos iremos capacitándonos cada vez mas de ante mano muchísima gracias

  • samsonkuya2014 Samson Kuya 14 Jun 2021

    Hello Guys
    I urgently looking for a place to volunteer or any job reference will be highly appreciated. I have worked as a research assistant, laboratory technician, and laboratory assistant before. BSc. Biomedical Science. Thank you

  • saivaraprasadarao Sai 23 Apr 2021

    Can someone let me know course material for clinical research
    I want to prepare for it.

  • GHN_Editors The Editorial Team 26 Oct 2015

    Hi Betty

    Welcome to the community :-)! I hope that you find it interesting and useful! There are always new activities and resources, so please do get involved. November is Research Writing and Publication Skills month, and we look forward to seeing you there!

    Kind regards
    The Editorial Team

  • bettyqster Betty Quarles 25 Oct 2015

    I forgot to indicate that I'm located in the San Francisco Bay Area

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