groups » Welcome and Introductions » Welcoming and Creating an environment for Clinical Trials, Research Quality improvement and Clinical Research Governance

Being in resource poorest regions of the world this website and Global Health Network is the place to appreciate the effort to introduce high quality clinical trials. This network place will undeniably set the strategic way of thinking to design, conduct and manage clinical trials to ensure the highest quality of researches, know what exactly works in our setting and finally improve health and welfare of our people. This may not be easy to start 'may be due to limitation of economies of scale', but I wish the benefit of outcome will outway the cost. I love this network place and its commitment to bring us together


  • GHN_Editors The Editorial Team 22 Apr 2014

    Dear Abera

    Thank you kindly for your positive comments. The Global Health Network is your space to share anything that you feel will help build capacity and knowledge for research - so please feel free to post comments, questions, documents to share such as SOPs and guidance articles, links to journal articles that are of interest - and anything else!

    The Global Health Network will also continually have updates, new tools, and new improvements. For example, in the next month we will be launching an interactive map which will help guide you through the stages of initiating a trial, linking to articles, templates and guidance documents. Therefore your feedback and ideas are always welcome - please do share your thoughts!

    Kindest Regards
    The Editorial Team

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