groups » Informed Consent and Community Engagement » Recommendations for Community Engagement in HIV/AIDS Research Version 2.0

The Office of HIV/AIDS Network Coordination is pleased to announce that the Recommendations for Community Engagement in HIV/AIDS Research Version 2.0 is now available. This document is available on the HANC Public Site at:

The world of clinical trials research is highly regulated, with an array of documents guiding the conduct of clinical trials research. Policy documents and procedural guidelines, such as Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Good Clinical Laboratory Practice (GCLP), cover most aspects of clinical research but none of these documents discuss standards for engaging community in the research process.

Community representatives working with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the NIH increasingly felt that this type of guidance was essential and in 2009 sought to develop recommendations as a way to address good community practice. These recommendations are intended as a tool to help research staff and community representatives expand and deepen existing partnerships, and forge new ones, with the ultimate goal of facilitating effective community engagement in all aspects of clinical trials research.

Version 2.0 of the Recommendations for Community Engagement in HIV/AIDS Research Executive Summary will be coming in the near future.


  • sareefbaccha61 sareefbaccha61 10 Apr 2023

    Community representatives working with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the NIH increasingly felt that this type of guidance was essential and in 2009 sought to develop recommendations as a way to address good community practice. These recommendations are intended as a tool to help research staff and community representatives expand and deepen existing partnerships, and forge new ones, with the ultimate goal of facilitating effective community engagement in all aspects of clinical trials research.

  • Las prácticas de participación comunitaria de las redes de investigación sobre el VIH/SIDA financiados por los NIH han evolucionado en el tiempo y, aunque todavía se sostienen en el modelo del comité asesor comunitario donde estos contribuyen con otros recursos, como las consultas comunitarias, los grupos focales y los foros público.
    ya que Las personas que forman una comunidad representan una oportunidad para marcar una diferencia en esa comunidad. Las investigaciones de salud pública que esperan tener resultados exitosos no pueden permitirse ignorar este recurso al momento de planificar sus estrategias de

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