groups » Funding Opportunities » Institut Pasteur Call for Proposals 2016 - Actions Concertees Internationales Pasteuriennes (ACIP)

Attached files: ACIP-2-Form.docx, ACIP-1-Guidelines.pdf, ACIP-3-Financial.xlsx

The aim of ACIP is to enable new research collaborations amongst the Institutes of the Institut Pasteur International Network (IPIN) in the field of public health.

Proposals should be submitted from collaborations of a minimum of three institutes from within the IPIN and be innovative. The proposed projects will be expected to produce preliminary results from which an evaluation of the initial scientific hypothesis can be made leading onto a more important project to be submitted to both national and international funding agencies.

Budget - €20,000 to €50,000

Deadline for Submission - March 7th 2016
Project Evaluation - July 2016
Starting Date - October 1st 2016

For further details and proposal application form, please see attached files.


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