groups » Regional Faculties » BE PART OF GLOBAL HEALTH TRIALS! Join the discussion here

One of the reasons members say that they love Global Health Trials is that all the information on the site comes from other researchers who are in similar settings to you; members are helping one another, simply through sharing their own experiences. Whatever level of staff you are, and whatever your role is within trials, YOU have developed experience in the practical side of running trials, and you can help other people simply through sharing these experiences.

Did you know that behind the scenes on Global Health Trials we have many collaborators, senior collaborators, and faculty members who contribute by writing blogs, writing articles, reviewing eLearning courses, coordinating discussions, toolkits, and workshops? These wonderful people all volunteer a little of their time each month to contribute. They come from many diverse backgrounds including data managers, investigators, nurses, lab staff, and community staff, from all around the world. They are a wonderful, dedicated team and we value them immensely.

Would you like to become part of this exciting, virtual team? You can do so today - all you need is a little time, plenty of enthusiasm, and access to a computer. It's great experience for you, and fantastic for your career - for example, if you write an article about a particular aspect of running clinical trials (e.g. how to manage protocol violations), we will help you to get it into an editable format, help you through the peer review process - and if it is published online, then you have a publication to your name for the world to see. We help you through the process, and you become a contributor status member. Please note that all contributions are voluntary (not paid positions).

To find out how to get involved, please read our GET INVOLVED page, which gives suggestions about ways to contribute and how to move up the levels, from contributor to senior contributor, and you can find out if there is a regional faculty in your area. Please feel free to post questions or comments below.

Please comment your experiences and ideas below, or email for more help or information.

We look forward to working with you!
The Editorial Team


  • abdikadirore ABDIKADIR ORE AHMED 4 Sep 2021

    Hi, i am senior Health worker with vast experience in maternal and child health and setting up health systems in horn of Africa. I would to engage the regional teams and well as share my broad experience.

  • peterazeh PETER AZUBUIKE AZEH 31 May 2019

    Thanks Global health network for your broad range of impactful courses. keep up the good work.

  • peterazeh PETER AZUBUIKE AZEH 31 May 2019

    Thanks Global health network for your broad range of impactful courses. keep up the good work.

  • Hi I am a data manager at the university Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar West Africa. Will be happy to share experience with others.

  • ahmed123tanveer aklak 27 Jul 2016

    it was nice to know about global health , caring for various issues of health concerns and topics . how to become global health coordinator and professional membership of global health .

  • GHN_Editors The Editorial Team 5 Jul 2016

    Hi Joseph

    Welcome to the community and thanks for coming on board, it's great to have such enthusiastic people join us :-). I hope you're enjoying your new role.

    Have a read of this page, which explains about how the regional faculties work:

    To being a regional faculty you really need a few people, but I would suggest that you begin by working your way toward being a Senior Contributor individually ( This means finding ways to contribute to the Global Health Trials community, for example writing about your experience and sharing resources. As part of this you can begin to create local contacts, and we can suggest local groups for you to work with as well. Once you've 'found your feet' we can then work towards starting a new Zambian regional faculty and bringing together the local research community around you.

    Welcome and I look forward to working with you!
    Kind regards
    The Editorial Team

  • josephmutalejm josephmutalejm 2 Jul 2016

    Hey I am biomedical technologist from Zambia and I would like to know, how does one get to start a region faculty in his country?

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