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COHRED have announced their 2015 conference focussing on increasing the effectiveness of research and innovation for health through country driven capacity building, which will be in Manila, Philippines on August 24-27th.
Building capacity for relevant and sustainable research and innovation is a key strategy for national development. Countries with effectively-led, brilliantly-staffed, and well-resourced national health research systems possess an enviable capability to find ingenious ways of focusing their energies and resources towards solving complex health and social problems.
For many countries, the failure to achieve the Millennium Development Goals can be attributed, in part, to the inability to effectively mobilize research and innovation to find solutions to their problems; and, in part, to the inability to galvanize effective action towards creative solutions. The two failures are closely linked.
How can under-resourced countries develop a capacity for research and innovation that is truly relevant and responsive to the country’s needs, productively nourished by its political and social environment, and fairly sustainable through self-reliant mechanisms? The answers to these questions will depend on the specific context of each country, factoring in its history; its stage of socio-economic development; its politics, leadership and governance; and its physical, social, human and intellectual capital. How all these elements function and interact with one another determines each country’s ability to produce the ideas and innovative energies that will enable it to move ahead.
Sample topics for presentations, papers, posters, sessions, and other events include:
- Case-studies on different country experiences in developing health research capacity
- How to create the human resource base for research and innovation – what is working, what is new?
- What research and innovation capacities are needed to impact on international, regional and national development goals – such as the SDGs and ASEAN development priorities?
- Role and impact of universities and the private sector in emerging economies to provide adequate support for research and innovation system development
- Technology hubs – what works, what does not work, are these strategic investments for low- and middle-income governments?
- Research and innovation aimed at achieve Universal Health Coverage
- Review of national and regional policy environments for science and innovation – in general, and for health in particular
- Engaging young people in research and innovation
- Research and science communication
- International networks and large international research collaborations
- Measuring progress and impact of capacity building for research and innovation
- Assessment of health research capacities of researchers, research institutions and network
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