
A tool to help calculate sample size

A free software package that can simulate Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials (RCTs). With the CTS a user can explore aspects of the design, conduction and analyses of RCTs

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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 13 Jul 2010

Can sample size in qualitative research be determined a priori?

by Altmetric Debate Can sample size in qualitative research be determined a priori? Julius Sim, Benjamin Saunders, Jackie Waterfield, Tom Kingstone

There has been considerable recent interest in methods of determining sample size for qualitative research a priori, rather than through an adaptive approach such as saturation. Extending previous literature in this area, we identify four distinct approaches to determining sample size in this way: rules of thumb, conceptual models, numerical guidelines derived from empirical studies, and statistical formulae. 

12th July 2019 • comment