OpenClinica's Website
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Bookmarked by Greg Fegan on 4 Jun 2010
REDcap - Online Data ManagementUsing REDCap's stream-lined process for rapidly developing databases, you may create and design databases using 1) the Online Form Editor and/or 2) the offline method by constructing a "data dictionary" file in Microsoft Excel and uploading it to REDCap. REDCap provides user-friendly web-based case report forms, real-time data entry validation (e.g. for data types and range checks) and audit trails. Users are assigned different levels of access which can be form or rights based.
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Bookmarked by The Editorial Team on 12 Nov 2012
Blog posts

Using OpenClinica in “offline mode”
This blog is closed to new posts due to inactivity. The post remains here as part of the network’s archive ...
Powerpoint slides representing a comprehensive overview of some issues surrounding data management, including an overview of data management, the issue of coding, and regulations and guidelines. NEW ADDITIONS AUGUST 2013: Code of Federal Regulations part 11 - Guidelines on how to implement
Transnational Working Group on Data management of the ECRIN, the European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network, present recommendations for quality and harmonisation for data management. In addition good data management practices in general are identified.
Clinical Data Management: Current status, challenges and future directions from industry perspectives.
by Harry van LoenCould an Open-Source Clinical Trial Data-Management System Be What We Have All Been Looking For?
by The Editorial TeamThis publication discsusses whether or not open-source clinical trial data management will improve the likelihood that good clinical trials are conducted in resource-constrained settings.
This article explains the process of data management operations within clinical trials from start to finish.
An example of a academic research centre resolving the issue of clinical trial data management Peer reviewed by members of the data management expert committee for this programme.