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setup details for you to use Study setup details for you to use Study setup details for you to use Study setup details for you to use Study 

setup details for you to use 


Study Setup


CONSISE has drafted several standardized research protocols for influenza, MERS-CoV and Zika Virus (ZIKV). Our standardized protocols have all been developed with large numbers of technical experts, including WHO and incorporate knowledge and experience learned from conducting epidemiologic studies all over the world.

All standardized protocols have been designed to maximize the likelihood that epidemiological, clinical and exposure data and biological samples are systematically collected and shared rapidly in a format that can be easily aggregated, tabulated and analyzed across many different settings globally. We encourage any and all study centres to contribute to this effort regardless of resource availability or patient volume. Ownership of the primary data remains with the individual sites.

Consise work closely with the World Health Organization in the development of all of our protocols, and also with ISARIC (the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium), which focuses mainly on clinical research.


Consise has developed standardized research protocols for influenza, mers-cov and zika virus (zikv)

For more information, support in adapting these protocols for local use or support in the implementing any of these studies, please contact maria van kerkhove (maria.van-

Zika Protocol [text explains what it is, but really it’s a hyperlink which takes you to the document e.g.: complete.pdf]

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

            SOME TEXT [this is a list]

Guidance documents

            SOME TEXT [this is a list]



Risk Assessment Costing/grant applications

The Process Map is a cross-cutting tool that guides the process
of setting up a study and provides links to explanations about
each component step and any tools, templates and training that exist on each step.

Guidance docs






I would suggest when referencing the processmap do a predefined search with keywording then you can reduce links - such as: q=Research+Question

Ethics and regulatory
The Process Map is a cross-cutting tool that guides the process of setting up a study and provides links to explanations about each component step and any tools, templates and training that exist on each step.
SiteFinder has created a list of research-ready research sites who have expressed an interest specifically in conducting research into Zika Virus. In response to the outbreak, SiteFinder has created a specific disease listing for Zika, meaning that sites who are interested in conducting research in this area can easily be found by those planning studies.

Study management
The Process Map is a cross-cutting tool that guides the process of setting up a study and provides links to explanations about each component step and any tools, templates and training that exist on each step.
SiteFinder has created a list of research-ready research sites who have expressed an interest specifically in conducting research into Zika Virus. In response to the outbreak, SiteFinder has created a specific disease listing for Zika, meaning that sites who are interested in conducting research in this area can easily be found by those planning studies.
Laboratory sample handling 
The Process Map is a cross-cutting tool that guides the process of setting up a study and provides links to explanations about each component step and any tools, templates and training that exist on each step.
SiteFinder has created a list of research-ready research sites who have expressed an interest specifically in conducting research into Zika Virus. In response to the outbreak, SiteFinder has created a specific disease listing for Zika, meaning that sites who are interested in conducting research in this area can easily be found by those planning studies.
Community engagement tools 
The Process Map is a cross-cutting tool that guides the process of setting up a study and provides links to explanations about each component step and any tools, templates and training that exist on each step.
SiteFinder has created a list of research-ready research sites who have expressed an interest specifically in conducting research into Zika Virus. In response to the outbreak, SiteFinder has created a specific disease listing for Zika, meaning that sites who are interested in conducting research in this area can easily be found by those planning studies.
Social science study tools
The Process Map is a cross-cutting tool that guides the process of setting up a study and provides links to explanations about each component step and any tools, templates and training that exist on each step.
SiteFinder has created a list of research-ready research sites who have expressed an interest specifically in conducting research into Zika Virus. In response to the outbreak, SiteFinder has created a specific disease listing for Zika, meaning that sites who are interested in conducting research in this area can easily be found by those planning studies.



Main resources:

Guidance docs

Further resources:

Risk Assessment Costing/grant applications
Ethics and regulatory
Study management
Laboratory sample handling  
Community engagement tools   
Social science study tools