The Global Health Clinical Trial Support Facility

This operational clinical trial support facility is based in Oxford and accesses a wide network of exceptional clinical trial sites and study implementation expertise around the world. It is a clinical research support facility that guides and enables the successful conduct of high quality clinical trials and observational studies in low-resource and minimal-capacity settings. This team can provide the necessary support, guidance and operational direction as required in order to run international, regulatory-standard research in the field of global health.

This trial support facility brings together the strong experience of The Global Health Network's operational team, led by Professor Trudie Lang, with that of the Epidemic Research Group of Oxford (ERGO) led by Professor Peter Horby. These groups have considerable expertise in designing, operating and implementing high quality clinical trials in many disease areas across varied regions and clinical settings, and can therefore offer experienced clinical trial methodologists, managers, coordinators, regulatory experts, data managers and statistical support who can help to guide research groups who are planning trials. Some diverse examples of Trials led or supported by these groups include;

• Ebola drug treatment trials in West Africa - Investigators 
• Podoconiosis trials in Ethiopia - Investigator 
• Prepare Trial - Investigator 
• RTSS vaccine Trial – Investigator 
• EMVI vaccine Trial – DSMB chair
• FEAST trial – Investigator 

This team can support the design and implementation of clinical trials depending on the capacity and resource available at the proposed trial sites and the experience of the investigators planning the trial. This support facility also draws upon the resources and experience that are accessible through The Global Health Network and ERGO activities. Here tools such as Site-Finder can be implemented to identify possible research site partners across Africa, Asia and South America and the trial initiation Process Map to guide the set-up.

The overall aim of the Global Health Clinical Trials Support Team is to be a resource that can collaborate with others to provide high quality clinical trial design, implementation, operation, audit and monitoring expertise. This is facilitated by a core group of highly experienced clinical trialists who are based in Oxford, and by drawing on the wider networks of collaborating trial experience around the globe. Capacity development and partnership are the underlying ethos that drives this group, and therefore the objective is work with the teams in the clinical setting to strengthen local research skills and leave behind the ongoing ability to conduct high quality studies.
Please contact Trudie Lang or Peter Horby.