Welcome to job and training opportunities in the field of clinical research
We will provide opportunities across the globe, but will specifically aim most at developing countries. Visit the funding portal for more information. Please scroll to the bottom for grants and training.
If you know of a vacancy or training course - please email us so that we can add it to this page.
WorldWide Job Opportunities
Family Health International (FHI) lists a great variety of jobs all around the world, ranging from clinical directorships to human resources and administration. Visit their jobs list at:https://www.fhi360.org/careers
Global Academy Jobs lists jobs around the world such as fellowships and research positions: http://globalacademyjobs.com/ac/search?se=84
The new online journal Global Health: Science and Practice, has a "Job Opportunities" website that is free for recruiters and job seekers. Go to http://www.ghspjournal.org and click on "Global Health Jobs" to see the available jobs, post a new job, or upload your resume.
DevNetJobs.org has a number of opportunities in health research, many of which are in developing countries. For more information see their website at http://www.devnetjobs.org/?goback=%2Egde_120372_member_138025360
PATH Jobs provides information about a wide range of job opportunities across the world, including Africa and Asia. https://path.silkroad.com/epostings/index.cfm?fuseaction=app.allpositions&company_id=15780&version=1
SciDevNet lists job opportunities related to global health, from different agencies http://www.scidev.net/global/content/jobs.html
The WHO has a range of jobs, all around the world. You can visit their 'current vacancies' page here: http://www.who.int/employment/vacancies/en/
Oxford University's Tropical Medicine Department has jobs advertises jobs at its centres in Thailand, Kenya, Laos and Vietnam on the following website: http://www.tropicalmedicine.ox.ac.uk/jobs
MSF lists WorldWide job opportunities both in the office and in the field, on its pages at http://www.msf.org/work-msf
The MRC offers worlwide opportunities, including statisticians, scientists and admin staff - listed here: http://www.mrc.ac.uk/skills-careers/working-for-mrc/job-vacancies/
London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene offers jobs in global health research, which you can find here: https://www.jobs.lshtm.ac.uk/vacancies.aspx
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine offers a range of jobs; their current vacancies page can be reached at: http://www.lstmed.ac.uk/vacancies
EDCTP's jobs pages lists current vacancies including Africa and Europe http://www.edctp.org/vacancies/
Oxford Policy Management (OPM) lists vacancies across its nine international offices, which aim to reduce poverty and disadvantage through public policy reform (including healthcare). You can view their list of current vacancies here: http://www.opml.co.uk/join-us/vacancies
Country Specific Job portals
The Gambia
The MRC Gambia Unit lists its job vacancies here: http://www.mrc.gm/about-us/jobs-careers/jobs/
The MRC website posts clinical research jobs of all types at sites across Uganda. Visit this site for more details:http://www.mrcuganda.org/jobs
UVRI lists its jobs here: http://www.uvri.go.ug/careers
The India Alliance is a £80 million partnership between The Wellcome Trust, UK, and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT, Government of India), which offers Early Career, Intermediate, Senior Fellowships. IA funds a full spectrum of biomedical science, from fundamental molecular and cellular studies, through to clinical and public health research. This also includes theoretical biology and biomedical engineering. Requirements: A research proposal that seeks to answer an original biomedical research question; a not-for-profit host institutuion in Inda that will administer the Fellowship for the full duration of the award. A salaried position or commitment to a salaried position at the Host Institution is not required. No age or nationality restrictions on any scheme. A PhD in biological sciences is not necessary. Clinicians, veterinarians and public health researchers are strongly encouraged to apply. Only online applications are accepted. Please visit our website http://www.wellcomedbt.org for further information on different schemes and the application process.
A job portal in India: In order to provide a career/job platform to Healthcare, Pharma/Biotech, Food/Nutrition, Health BPO, Equipment, Agri and Other Science communities exclusively, HarNeedi.com came into existence. HarNeedi.com also serves as a knowledge commune for professionals, corporate and domain experts to share views and news on Healthcare & Pharma domain. Please log on to http://www.harneedi.com/
India Recruitment Net http://india.recruit.net/search-clinical+research+associate-jobs#search_top has a range of opportunities for Clinical Research Associates in various locations across India.
CliniIndia is another site specific to clinical research jobs in India: https://www.cliniindia.com/clinical-research-institute-in-bangalore/
AMREF (African Medical and Research Foundation) have a range of jobs based in Nairobi, including research officer, programme manager, etc. For more information, see http://www.amref.org/info-hub/vacancies
South Africa
Though it's just a general job website, Indeed.co.za lists many research jobs in south Africa and is a good place to sstart.
The MRC regularly posts job opportunities, at the moment advertising for an office manager, clinical manager, and scientific writer. For more information, please click here: http://www.mrc.ac.za/hr/vacancies.htm
The University of Cape Town's jobs pages contains several Research-based positions: http://www.uct.ac.za/about/intro/vacancies/external/#!
MSF lists its South African Vacancies here: https://www.msf.org.za/office-vacancies
The University of Stellenbosch and Desmond Tutu list their current vacancies here.
CAPRISA lists many clinical research jobs in South Africa, from data managers to investigators. Link to their portal here: http://caprisa.erecruit.co.za/candidateapp/Jobs/Browse.aspx