
Mrs Ngozi Mirabel

About: Ngozi Otuonye (FIMLS, MSC, MPHIL BMLS (PhD in view) is a Chief Medical Laboratory Scientist working with Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research Lagos. She was a member of the EDCTP Scientific Review Committee 2009-2011. She is a member of Health Systems and Policies Management Program, NIMR. She headed the Central Laboratory Unit of NIMR 2009-2012, a member of NIMR Senior Management Committee, 2009-2012. She is the PI of the EDCTP sponsored Project “Establishment of Health Research Ethics and Capacity Building of Human Resources and Infrastructure in Nigeria. Her current research is focused on the genetic and behavioural Transmission of HIV in Sero-discordant Couples in Nigeria.

Location: Lagos Nigeria
Job: Laboratory Staff

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