

About: I hold a Doctor of Public Health, a Masters in Public Health, MSc Applied Microbiology and a Post graduate Diploma in International Research Bioethics. Briefly my work in research ethics has involved administration of research ethics committees, training and drafting of research ethics policies and guidelines. I am currently working as the Assistant Director, Research Ethics at the University Botswana, a position I have held since January 2014. Iam also the secretary to the University of Botswana Institutional Review Board (IRB). The work involves administration and coordination of research conducted by faculty, affliates and students of the University. This innvolves manging the institutional review board (IRB) and drafting and reviewing the university research ethics policies and guidelines. I also sit on the University Research Council.

Location: University of Botswana
Job: Ethicist


  • Assistant Director Research Ethics at University of Botswana


  • Public Health at University of Western Cape

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