
Paul Farmer

About: My role in Dr. Eric Hunter's laboratory at Emory University in Atlanta, GA is to help coordinate ongoing research activities, to develop and maintain relational databases for tracking sample storage locations within a large sample repository and maintaining associated experimental data related to HIV-1 studies, to ensure that proper regulatory documents are submitted, and to provide computer, software, and other forms of support to scientists within this lab. As part of these duties, we collaborate with colleagues in Kigali, Rwanda and in Lusaka, Zambia where ongoing studies involving HIV transmission occur in two heterosexual couple cohorts.

Location: Emory Vaccine Center, Emory University
Job: Laboratory Manager


  • Ph.D. Molecular Biology at Georgia Institute of Technology
  • 9 Jan 1992 - 5 Jan 1996
  • B.S. Computer Science at Augusta College
  • 9 Jan 1983 - 5 Jan 1987
  • M.S. Biology at Georgia Southern College
  • 9 Jan 1977 - 5 Jan 1979
  • B.S. Biology at Georgia Southern College
  • 9 Jan 1970 - 9 Jan 1976

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