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I have up to date knowledge and skills related to the practice of infection control. In my experience infection control seems largely neglected, in practicle terms, in resourse poor environments. As a forigener working in Nepal I have been trying to use my role in this research team to promote good infection control practice in the hospital where the research is based. Furthermore I am promoting good practice ammongst my collegues and providing a sound knowledge base for the aquisition of these skills, so that they will hopefully take these skills with them when they go to work in other areas, fields or countries. I hope they will in turn share good practice with others. My focus is mainly Aseptic Non-touch Technique (ANTT), and I am working with and old college to try to get these principles incorporated into guidelines promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO. For more information concerning this please contact me.

  • jocelynhabens Jocelyn Habens 21 Nov 2012

    I was able to launch the guideline I outline in a blogg in 2010. I collected data on infection control rates prior to the intervention and was hoping to collect crude audit style data post the intervention too. However after three years in country I have left and now the agreement I had with the hospital to provide me with the sats has been revoked. In order to make my intervention count i am attempting to write up an artical about the barriers to research in the developing world. However there is very little literature on this subject. Themes I identified inforally are; Firstly perceived(perceived by the local popultaion) lack of understanding by the outsider of the restrictions to the health care environment, financial and ideological. The second theme surrounds suspicion of the motives of the outsider and the possible exploitation of the country or individual concerned. Third is a lack of research and or evidence base generated in developing countries and thus information developed outside does not suit the different health care environment. Im looking for reserch to back up these themes. Any help would be gratefully received.