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Global Health Trials' dedicated regional hubs have been super busy lately, with a vast range of activities which aim to strengthen research capacity by building the careers and skills of staff. 
Nigeria is blessed with a team who have both a wide variety of expertise and the foresight and enthusiasm to plan a wonderful programme of events. Lately they have been engaged in the following (view pictures here!):
1) weekly blended e-learning courses and journal club meeting attracting various roles in clinical research. This is now taking place in National Hospital Abuja, Asokoro District Hospital Abuja, University of Abuja Teaching Hospital Gwagwalada,Jos University Teachibg Hospital, Bingham University Teaching Hospital Jos. Researchers from Federal Medical Centre Keffi and Bingham University Karu are currently attending the meeting in National Hospital Abuja with the aim of commencing similar meeting in their institutions.
2) Guest lectures on The Global Health Network at University of Jos, Jos University Teaching Hospital that attracted participants from Bingham University Teaching Hospital and Plateau Specialist Hospital.
3) Formation of Institutional Research Team at Bingham University Teaching Hospital, University of Jos and Jos University Teaching Hospital.
3) More that 300 people have registered on the Global Health Trials platform through all the activities mentioned above.
4) Developed proposal for clinical research to be conducted by our research team in Abuja in collaboration with the National practice based research network.
5) Plan is ongoing for 2018 Nigeria Global Health Trial Conference in Lagos Nigeria with the theme: "collaboration, network and partnership for conduct of health research in Nigeria" The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers across the country and foster networking while strengthening clinical research capacity of the participants.
To find out more about the Nigerian faculty and its events, visit their web pages here
To consider starting a regional faculty in your area, please email 

  • Global Health trial is the platform that every researcher must be if we want to continue to improve the quality of our research and make impact in our various specialty.

  • Global Health trial

  • samuelernest3 Samuel Ernest 2 Nov 2017

    Global Health Trials is the best thing to happen to anyone that wants to SUCCEED in Clinical trials. It is the RIGHT place to belong. I have never regreted since I joined.