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We are pleased to announce the first free one day skills sharing and networking workshop in Central Africa organized at the Biotechnology Centre, University of Yaounde 1 in collaboration with Global Health Trials.
Exciting presentations on important aspects of trials will be highlighted during this workshop. These includeHealth Operational Research in Cameroon, Virtual Communities of Practice, Quality Control and Laboratory Accreditation in Cameroon, Data Management in Clinical Research, the global health clinical program, news and opportunities etc.
You will find a flyer containing further information about how to register and attend this workshop taking place on the 28th November, 2012 at the conference room of the Biotechnology Centre, Nkolbisson.The Biotechnology Centre is found along the road leading to IRAD Nkolbisson laboratories, second turn on the right and then first turn on the left.
We welcome all categories of people working in clinical research, lab scientists and technicians, nurses, physicians, researchers across all fields of global health, monitors, trial coordinators, administrators, regulatory officers, policy makers, members of ethics committees, laboratory managers, principal investigators, DSMB members, sponsors, funders in the private and public sectors.
PRIOR registration by sending an email to is ESSENTIAL.
You are welcome to share within your network of eligible people.
Looking forward to meeting everyone in this exciting workshop.
Best regards
InnocentCentral African Faculty Leader.( )